Rating universities on environmental impact: QS Stars | Top Universities

Rating universities on environmental impact: QS Stars

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Craig OCallaghan

Updated May 15, 2024



QS Stars: Environmental impact

Have you ever considered how a university's impact extends beyond the classroom? According to the QS International Student Survey 2023, almost half of all prospective international students actively research a university’s sustainability efforts.  

Universities have a big responsibility when it comes to the environment. But they need to operate in a sustainable way, not just teach about it. QS Stars takes a close look at how institutions perform, evaluating their environmental action and impact across operations, research and education. So if you too care about our planet’s health, you’ll be able to find a university that aligns with your values. 

Let's explore the significance of the indicators in each category. 


Environmental sustainability policies for investment, procurement and funding/donations 

Many universities have environmental sustainability policies that outline their commitment to the planet. These policies guide their investments, spending practices and funding decisions.  

Here's what these policies mean for you: 

  • Environmentally friendly practices: Universities with strong sustainability policies actively address climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. 

  • Responsible resource management: These policies ensure the university uses resources efficiently, minimising their environmental footprint. 

The impact goes beyond the university itself. These policies set a positive example, influencing students, businesses, and the wider community to consider environmental impact in their own choices. 

Full points will be awarded for institutions that has the below policies: 

  1. Sustainable investment policy 
  2. Sustainable procurement policy 
  3. Sustainable donations/funding policy 

Carbon neutral certification OR other equivalent indicators 

 Some universities are certified ‘carbon neutral’. This means they take concrete steps to reduce their emissions (like energy use and travel) and offset any remaining emissions by supporting projects that remove carbon dioxide from the air, for example planting trees.  

As a student, this brings a wealth of benefits, such as:  

  • Environmentally focused education: Choosing a carbon neutral university means you're surrounding yourself with an institution dedicated to environmental responsibility. This can be reflected in curriculum, research, and campus initiatives. 

  • Contributing to a greener future: By attending a carbon neutral university, you're indirectly supporting the fight against climate change. 

  • Potential career opportunities: Universities with strong sustainability efforts often attract companies and research focused on environmental solutions. This could lead to exciting internship or job opportunities after graduation. 

This indicator carries the highest point value within this category. If institutions do not have the carbon neutral certification, they can achieve full points by other indicators below: 

Environmental sustainability/ climate change employees 

Universities with sustainability experts on staff offer big benefits. These specialists help the university run more efficiently in many ways. For example, they might develop strategies to conserve resources, minimise waste, and implement practices that lower the university's carbon footprint. This focus on sustainability demonstrates a forward-thinking approach that benefits both the environment and your university experience. 

Full points will be awarded if they have at least one full-time equivalent staff member dedicated to sustainability or climate change. 

Climate action plan 

 Developing a climate action plan establishes universities as environmental responsibility leaders. This not only sets a powerful example for others, but also fosters collaboration. Faculty, students, staff, and even the wider community can all join forces to achieve a more sustainable future. 

Full points will be awarded if an institution has a climate action plan that covers the following:  

  1. Operations 
  2. Education 
  3. Research 

The institution should have a climate action plan or have created sustainability reporting. This report/plan should include ‘SMART’ objectives that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound. 

Energy and resource consumption 

Universities around the world are leading the way in smart energy and resource management. As well as long-term cost savings, this translates to: 

Future-proof campuses: Sustainable practices ensure a healthy and efficient learning environment. 

Positive impact: You'll be part of a community actively reducing its environmental footprint and achieving sustainability targets. 

Points will be awarded towards institutions that have: 

  1. Renewable Energy 

At least 50% of energy coming from renewable sources  

  1. Carbon Footprint 

Its CO2 emissions are at or below 1,000 kilograms per person (students + faculty) per year. 


Environmental impact research 

Universities are at the forefront of environmental research, tackling critical challenges like climate change, endangered species, and pollution. This research doesn't just stay in the lab; directly contributes to solutions, green technologies and sustainable ways of living that are gentler on the planet.  University research also plays a vital role in shaping environmental policy. By providing robust data and analysis, universities equip governments to craft effective regulations and conservation initiatives. 

Institutions will receive full points if they meet the Environmental Research indicator of the QS World University Rankings. A respected benchmark motivates institutions to strive for excellence in environmental research. 

Environmental sustainability research centre 

Having a dedicated Environmental Sustainability Research Centre is a good indicator that a university is committed and responsive to environmental issues. The work these centres do can boost the institution’s reputation on a global scale and by investing in this research, they demonstrate a clear commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible citizenship. 

Full points are awarded to institutions that has at least one research centre dedicated to environmental sustainability. 


Environmental sustainability networks 

Networks bring together universities, business and even governments to tackle sustainability challenges. Together, they can share resources like funding, expertise, and cutting-edge tech –things that might be out of reach for any one group. This fosters collaboration, sparking innovative projects and research that can make a real difference. 

Full points are awarded to institutions that has 10 points for each international and 5 points for each national network that the university is a member of. 

Public education and outreach 

Public education programmes allow universities to connect directly with the local and wider community. By sharing knowledge and expertise, they build trust and strengthen the institution’s reputation as a valuable community partner – a hub of ideas and positive change. 

Full points are awarded to institutions that has at least 10 public education or outreach activities. 

Environmental sustainability student organisations 

By joining organisations like these, you’ll have the chance to gain real-world experience while doing your bit for the environment. You’ll develop leadership, project management and advocacy skills by working on environmental causes. Get hands-on organising campaigns, managing events and implementing sustainability initiatives – they’ll enrich your studies as well as looking great on your CV. 

Full points are awarded to institutions that have at least one dedicated student organisation focusing on environmental sustainability issues. 

Understanding a university's commitment to sustainability is just one factor to consider when choosing your path. However, with QS Stars' evaluation system, you can easily compare institutions and find a programme that prioritises a healthy planet alongside academic excellence. So, explore your options, find the university that aligns with your values, and get ready to make a positive impact as part of a forward-thinking institution.