Missing scores for some universities | Top Universities

Missing scores for some universities

Submitted by jingyuan zhang
on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 04:41

When I clicked into some universities like The University of Melbourne and The university of tokyo to look into the partial scores like citation per faculty or international student scores, i was surprised that they are not given in the bar charts. Is there a way I can view these scores? Or does that simply mean they are 0? Or probably technical errors?

General discussion
Sylvie Wald
Fri, 04/01/2016 - 02:36 Permalink

Indeed, some universities are missing quite a number of indicators - (ie. Vanderbilt University only has 3 of the 6 scores but still has an overall score). And while I understand that this is possible as some universities may not provide all the required data to QS, how does QS then deal with the missing data?
