6 Things You Should NEVER Say in a Job Interview | Top Universities

6 Things You Should NEVER Say in a Job Interview

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Updated Nov 21, 2016



6 Things You Should NEVER Say in a Job Interview main image

Guest post: Anurag Gupta

“We’re sorry, but you were not selected.” These words can surely bring anyone’s confidence down to naught! Even with an impressive résumé and all that research, you were rejected after a job interview. The only question that hovers in your mind for subsequent hours is: “What could have possibly gone wrong?”

Inexperience or under-qualification is not the only factor that could lead to rejection. Knowingly or unknowingly, it’s easy to utter words that should never be said in a job interview. Letting these words slip out of your mouth can ruin your chances of selection. So, before you set out for your next big interview, go through these six basic but essential ‘forbidden phrases’ that are a complete NO in any job interview.

1. My current employer is a real pain

This is a very common answer given by candidates when asked why they want to change jobs. And it is a deal-breaker. Don’t say negative things about your employer; no one wants to hire a person who plays blame-games. If you reveal that you are not on good terms with your current employer, this might make the interviewer doubt your credibility and not your employer’s.

2. No, I won’t do it

I remember almost being rejected in a job interview because of my blunt “NO” when asked about working extra hours. Disagreeing with the interviewer is okay; you may not agree with everything they they say. But going overboard with the disagreement is not the sign of a good candidate. Show some flexibility and learn to adjust, to increase your chances of selection.

3. I’ll get to learn more

Okay, to explain this, let’s place ourselves in the recruiter’s shoes for a minute. Instead of hearing about the candidate’s learning ability and her desire to grow, won’t it be nice to hear things that would be beneficial for the growth of the organization? The recruiter will be hiring you for the betterment of the company, so focus on that and talk about your contribution towards the same.

4. I don’t really have a weakness!

The entire interview went quite well, and then came the question, “What are your weaknesses?” Don’t just shake your head saying that you don’t have any weaknesses. Everyone does, including the person taking your interview. Tell him or her about your weakness, but also mention how you plan to overcome it. Knowing your weaknesses is a good thing, and the recruiter is well aware of this fact.

5. What is the pay scale?

This is an obvious question in the mind of a job seeker; however, the recruiter is least bothered about it. Their main concern is to find a suitable candidate who is passionate about the work being offered. Show them what they want from you. Inquire about the pay structure after you make sure that recruiter is willing to hire you.

6. Sorry, I am late because…

Keep in mind the first rule of job interviews: “NEVER BE LATE”. Even if you have to leave your home at the crack of dawn, try to reach the location ahead of time. The recruiter is not interested in hearing about the traffic or the difficulty you faced in finding the interview venue, so don’t bother them with your excuses.

Anurag Gupta
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Anurag Gupta works for PlacementIndia.com, one of the leading placement portals of India. Anurag keeps a keen interest in ongoing placement trends in the country and has written many articles and blogs on effective job hunting.


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