Studying and Living in Canada - Process to get study permit and permanent residence in Canada - my experience | Top Universities

Studying and Living in Canada - Process to get study permit and permanent residence in Canada - my experience

Submitted by Stephie CW

I have been asked this question numerous times by many prospective students who want to study and eventually immigrate to Canada. The truth is the Canadian governmnet sees students as the best candidates for permanent immigration to Canada, having studied in the country and getting familiarized with the Canadian society. 
My personal experience in Canada has been fantastic. Canada is a multicultural society that is very warm (the people not the weather) and welcoming and because of this diversity I felt more at home. I studied for a year (8 month program) which is ideal in cases where your funding is low as that is the minimum course duration that allows you to access a work permit after studies. I found its ideal to get your "foot in", then in my case after working on year I applied and successfully became a permanent reisident, which allowed me to pursue further studies - this time paying the much cheaper domestic fees. The rules on working have changed since then, now students are able to work min 20 hours while they study which is a bonus.
I found the province Ontario was where most studenst and immigrants when, inparticular Toronto as a major metropolis. The downside is there is so much more competition and difficulty finding a job after graudation. I found I was better able to thrive when I moved to Western provinces.
The application process can sometimes be tedious and cumbersome to navigate and you only get one chance really to make a good impression on immigration officials, so having a sound application and funding to show for tuition and living costs goes a long way. I had help in getting mine off the ground I'm thankful for the exceptional opportunities and amazing life I now enjoy in Canada and I'm available to help other students who wish to explore Canada as an option to study, visit or live. I'm happy to answer any questions or give advice.  

Studying abroad
Jenish Desai
Sat, 07/22/2017 - 17:34 Permalink

after the completion of study permit while applying for work permits  do we need to show any type of fund???
