Tishk International University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities
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Tishk International University


Erbil campus, Erbil Iraq


# =111Arab Region Rankings


18Undergrad. & Postgrad. Programmes

About Tishk International University

Tishk International University (TIU), (previously Ishik University), is a private  university  established in 2008 in Erbil-Kurdistan, Iraq and owned by local and International investors and educators.

Tishk International University is granted  ISO 9001:2015  Certificate for the Quality Management System and is a member of the Union of Arabic Universities.

The university started educational service with 5 faculties containing 9 departments on the first campus in Erbil. The rules and regulations of Tishk International University allow international students from any country to join any study program within the University. In the academic year 2015–2016, the number of international students studying at the University reached 100 students.

The teaching language at Tishk International University is English, except the law program which is based on the Arabic language. Also, Tishk International University has adopted the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to assess the achievement of expected learning outcomes. At TIU the academic year is divided into two main terms: fall and spring. In addition, the University offers intensive summer schools which allow students to study a number of courses and cover the required credits.

At Tishk International University, several programs are awarded International Accreditation. These are Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Interior Design, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, accredited by the “Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency” (ZEvA) ; Physics Education, Biology Education, Mathematics Education, English Language Teaching accredited by the “Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities” (ASIC) and Law program accredited the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center of  AArU (The Association of Arab Universities). Tishk International University has also been awarded Institutional Accreditation by ZEvA in January 2021.

In May 2018, TIU was certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Certificate by Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS-UK Branch. The Certificate was accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Services Body (UKAS). There is more than 100 international staff working in both academic and non-academic positions, from a wide range of countries such as Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Yemen, Russia, Bangladesh, UK and the United States.

2014-2015 Academic Year was a turning point for the University from many angles:

      A new building dedicated to the Faculty of Education was constructed. Sulaimani campus was establishedThe Research Center and Engineering Consultation Bureau were established.The University was certified with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.Memorandums of Understanding with more than 40 universities from around 20 countries all over the world were signed.Student Exchange Programs started with 16 studentsA double Diploma opportunity with the University of North American University in Houston, Texas was implemented.TIU became a member of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC).TIU became a member of the Association of Arab Universities.



About Tishk International University

Tishk International University (TIU), (previously Ishik University), is a private  university  established in 2008 in Erbil-Kurdistan, Iraq and owned by local and International investors and educators.

Tishk International University is granted  ISO 9001:2015  Certificate for the Quality Management System and is a member of the Union of Arabic Universities.

The university started educational service with 5 faculties containing 9 departments on the first campus in Erbil. The rules and regulations of Tishk International University allow international students from any country to join any study program within the University. In the academic year 2015–2016, the number of international students studying at the University reached 100 students.

The teaching language at Tishk International University is English, except the law program which is based on the Arabic language. Also, Tishk International University has adopted the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to assess the achievement of expected learning outcomes. At TIU the academic year is divided into two main terms: fall and spring. In addition, the University offers intensive summer schools which allow students to study a number of courses and cover the required credits.

At Tishk International University, several programs are awarded International Accreditation. These are Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Interior Design, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, accredited by the “Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency” (ZEvA) ; Physics Education, Biology Education, Mathematics Education, English Language Teaching accredited by the “Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities” (ASIC) and Law program accredited the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center of  AArU (The Association of Arab Universities). Tishk International University has also been awarded Institutional Accreditation by ZEvA in January 2021.

In May 2018, TIU was certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Certificate by Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS-UK Branch. The Certificate was accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Services Body (UKAS). There is more than 100 international staff working in both academic and non-academic positions, from a wide range of countries such as Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Yemen, Russia, Bangladesh, UK and the United States.

2014-2015 Academic Year was a turning point for the University from many angles:

      A new building dedicated to the Faculty of Education was constructed. Sulaimani campus was establishedThe Research Center and Engineering Consultation Bureau were established.The University was certified with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.Memorandums of Understanding with more than 40 universities from around 20 countries all over the world were signed.Student Exchange Programs started with 16 studentsA double Diploma opportunity with the University of North American University in Houston, Texas was implemented.TIU became a member of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC).TIU became a member of the Association of Arab Universities.



Available programmes

TIU established Joint Master Degree Programs with public universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Students of these Joint Programs can use facilities of both universities and receive upon completion a single degree certificate issued and signed jointly by both partner universities. The program is managed by the Executive committee which is formed by one senior academic from both partner universities, each of whom has one vote. The members of the committee are assigned by their home universities. The Executive committee will set up a joint Master Program Board for each Master's program consisting of members from partner universities. The Board will have the responsibility concerning all major internal decisions such as common objectives, entry requirements, admission procedure, core contents and structure of Joint Master Programs. These decisions will be subject to the final approval be the executive committee.

Lecturers and supervisors of the students will be assigned by the Executive committee from both universities. Each of the followings are determined, set and controlled by the Ministry:

Ø   Conditions and Requirements of opening Master Degree Programs,

Ø   The conditions for Iraqi applicants (application qualification),

Ø   The conditions for applicants which live outside of Kurdistan region and do not have Iraqi ID cards,

Ø   The scientific requirements for obtaining a Master Degree,

Ø   The structure of the Master Degree Programs courses,

Ø   The plan and number of seats of Master Degree Programs,

Ø   The tuition fees of the Master Degree Programs.


Assessments at the Master Programs

In the first year, students should prepare two papers (minimum of 3,000 words for each) within each semester. Each paper is awarded 50% of the totals score of the related course. Every paper should be evaluated and scored by 2 examiners (one form TIU and the other is from outside the university specialized in the same are of the paper).

In the second year, the students are required to conduct a research project and to write a thesis based on the research methodologies. The master's thesis must demonstrate that the student knows the background and principal works of the research area, and can produce significant scholarly work. It should contain some original contribution whenever possible.

The master student also has to publish at least one article extracted from the master thesis.

The Defense (VIVA) Committee of the master thesis is composed of:

  •        The Thesis Supervisor, with no assessment right.
  •        An Internal Faculty, with assessment right.
  •        Two non-TIU/partner members (External Assessors), with assessment right.


The eligibility criteria for the membership in the VIVA committee are:

  • Holding an “Assistant Professor” Academic Title or higher.
  • For academicians holding a “Lecturer” Academic Title (only for PhD holders), he/she should have minimum two years’ experience teaching in a higher education institution after the issuance of the last academic title, and he/she should have minimum two articles published in an approved journal after the issuance of the last academic title.
  • It is important that members are at “arm’s length” from the student and the thesis.
  • Having strong expertise in the field of the research.


Master Programs

The number of the allocated seats for the master program is determined by the Ministry of Higher Education.

University information

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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Rankings & ratings

Tishk International University is one of the top universities in Erbil, Iraq. It is ranked #=111 in Arab Region Rankings 2025.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Tishk International is licensed by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, 2008, and Baghdad, 2017.

Tishk International University provides 29 academic degrees and programs:

Please see the Undergraduate degrees at https://tiu.edu.iq/departments/

Yes, it does. The summer term education is carried out in accordance with the Tishk International University Regulations for Summer Terms. In summer Term a student can take a maximum three (3) courses on condition that not exceeding twelve (12) credits. Law Faculty Summer Term regulations are announced specifically.

To be eligible to enroll into the desired faculties of TIU by means of Preparatory School it requires successful completion of B2 Intermediate Level. Alternatively, students may take a proficiency exam. In this exam, students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are evaluated. It is required to get at least 65 out of 100 points in order to be accepted and start university education in the enrolled program. The students who get less than 65 are accepted as unsuccessful and sent to the adequate level and class according to the placement exam results. Students who successfully complete a preparatory program of another university are required to take our university proficiency exam. Then again, students providing evidence that they have previously scored a minimum of 68 in TOEFL IBT, 5.5 in academic IELTS, or an equivalent score in other international exams, are exempt from the proficiency exam and can start studying in the programs they are enrolled into. These exams are valid for three years.

Please visit the academic calendar at  https://tiu.edu.iq/academic-calendar/

Tishk International University basic no 20659358