Top TU Articles of 2017 | Top Universities

Top TU Articles of 2017

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Craig OCallaghan

Updated Dec 18, 2017



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Wherever you live in the world, 2017 has been one hell of a year. In the US, the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency has sparked several high-profile protests and a near-constant stream of revelations about connections between his team and Russian influencers. The UK has had to contend with turning Brexit into a reality; France, Germany, the Netherlands and many other European countries have had significant elections; hurricanes and natural disasters have devastated Puerto Rico, Mexico, Bangladesh and more.

In short, it’s OK to be slightly relieved that Christmas is nearly here, and that in a couple of weeks we’ll be able to say goodbye to 2017. Before we jump into 2018 though, let’s take a look back at some of the biggest stories on TopUniversities from the last 12 months.


Way, way back at the start of the year, most of you were preparing for exams and already beginning to cast one eye towards the future. Perhaps it’s with your New Year’s Resolutions in mind that so many of you read, liked and shared our piece on the 7 Essential Skills Every Graduate Needs in 2017. Whatever the reason, hopefully you’ve spent the last year brushing up on your coding and foreign languages.

Also popular with readers in January: 10 of the Best Degrees to Graduate With in 2017; Report Reveals World’s 250 Top Business Schools; 8 Unusual Engineering Degrees…With Strong Career Prospects


February saw the launch of the QS Best Student Cities 2017 ranking, with Montreal coming out on top ahead of Paris and London. Unsurprisingly, this result had plenty of readers talking, especially as there was a different champion in our rundown of the Top 10 Student Cities – According to Students! Either way, the message to take away from it seems to be move to Canada.

Also popular with readers in February: Montreal Named World’s Best Student City; 10 Most Affordable Cities for Students in 2017; Top 100 Student Cities for 2017 – Coming Soon!


Another month and another ranking, with the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017 published in March. Now featuring 46 different subjects, as well as rankings for five different subject areas, this is arguably the largest ranking we publish and there were plenty of eye-catching stories to celebrate in it.

Nothing, however, caught our reader’s attentions quite like developments in the US however, where Donald Trump tried (and initially failed) to implement a travel ban affecting citizens of several Muslim-majority nations. Unsurprisingly, Universities Around the World Criticize Trump’s New Travel Ban, although that hasn’t stopped it from being implemented in a reduced format.

Also popular with readers in March: Wyoming is the Most Affordable US State for International Students; Top Universities for Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies in 2017; England’s Tuition Fees Are Now the Most Expensive in the World


Easter break arrived in April this year for most students, and although the summer exam period was getting nearer and nearer, it seemed most readers were keen to pretend they were literally anywhere else. Most of our popular stories from this month centered on the experiences of students in different countries, providing readers with a glimpse of what it’s like to study in a foreign country. By far and away the most popular of these was Sopiko Beriashvili’s article on Eight Magical Things to Know About Studying in Venice.

Also popular with readers in April: Ranked: The Top 100 US Universities; How to Study a PhD in Canada; Four Steps to Making Your Year Abroad a Success


For the first time ever, we published our annual QS World University Rankings in June, a move which was already gaining plenty of attention from readers in May. With the release of the 2018 ranking a matter of weeks away, everyone wanted to know What to Expect from the QS World University Rankings 2018.

Meanwhile, on campus, exams started in earnest, leaving plenty of readers keen for information about revision aids or tips on improving their mental health.

Also popular with readers in May: 30 Minutes at a QS Event Can Change Your Life Forever. Here’s How; Things to Do in London for Free; How to Cope with Depression at University


After all the anticipation of May, summer arrived in June and so did the 2018 edition of the QS World University Rankings. Understandably, most of this month’s popular articles were to do with this year’s results which saw Massachusetts Institute of Technology once again named the best university in the world. For a complete overview, check out the Top Universities in the World 2018.

Also popular with readers in June: 10 of the Most Photogenic Universities in the World; Top Universities in Australia 2018; Universidad Nacional de Colombia is the Best University in Colombia


With summer in full flow and exams a distant memory, July was a month for heart-warming stories about graduating grandmothers and scholarship winners overcoming the odds to study at their chosen university. Of all the stories from this month, nothing grabbed people’s attention quite like the story of the QS Leadership Scholarship: 2017 Winner Neelofar Rahimi, who overcame being shot and losing her brother en route to studying in the US.

Also popular with readers in July: Top Universities in Germany: TUM vs LMU; Cardiff the Most Affordable City in the UK for Students; 86-Year-Old Grandmother Becomes Oldest Ever Graduate from University of Bristol


Around the world, August brought with it the end of holidays, exam results and nervous first-years preparing for their first few weeks at university. As well as looking for information on how to prepare for university, readers also spent this month researching their options for the future, whether it be the pros and cons of studying a master’s degree or the Best Business Schools in the US in 2017.

Also popular with readers in August: 7 of the Worst Reasons to Do a Master’s Degree; How to Prepare Academically for Starting University; Should You Study in Malaysia or Thailand?


Graduate employability was the focus on TU this September, with the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2018 published towards the start of the month. That wasn’t the only big rankings story though. Elsewhere, University of Oxford Tops the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018.

Also popular with readers in September: UK Tuition Fees Could Be Reduced to £7,500 a Year; Cambridge Ranked Number One in the Good University Guide 2018; 10 of the Best UK Universities for Graduate Employability 2018


For new students, October is the month when university really begins to feel like home. It helps that, in most countries, October ends with a series of alcohol-fueled, fancy dress nights out to celebrate Halloween. Fortunately, there was nothing scary to be found in the QS World University Rankings by Region 2018, which were also published this month. Arguably the biggest headline to come out of it was that Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is the Best University in Latin America.

Also popular with readers in October: Top 10 Universities in Emerging Europe & Central Asia 2018; American University of Beirut is the Best University in the Arab Region; Top 10 Universities in Asia 2018


November saw us go rankings-mad, with not just one ranking or two but three, including the completely brand-new QS World University Rankings: Business Masters Rankings 2018 and QS World University Rankings: Global MBA Rankings 2018. Understandably, these drew a lot of attention, especially the Top 10 Universities for Master’s in Business Analytics Degrees. We also published this year’s BRICS ranking, a run-down of the best universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Also popular with readers in November: HEC Paris Ranked Best in the World in QS Masters in Management Rankings 2018; Top 10 Universities in India 2018; Top 10 Universities in Russia 2018


All of that brings us to December, AKA right now. The month may only be halfway done but we’ve already consumed more mince pies than we can handle and seen plenty of exciting articles grab the attention of our readers. With everyone just counting down the hours until Father Christmas comes, it’s really no surprise that our most popular piece has been a quiz asking the only question that matters at this time of year: How Christmassy Are You?

Also popular with readers in December: How to Help Others Who Are Less Fortunate this Christmas; Every Stage of Waiting for Christmas Break; How a Mentor Can Help You Step Up That Career Ladder

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