7 reasons to study in Italy | Top Universities

7 reasons to study in Italy

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Chloe Lane

Updated Aug 25, 2021



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7 reasons to study in Italy

Sponsored by University of Padova

Italy is widely known for being an education hub of Europe and is home to an impressive 40 universities which feature in the QS World University Rankings 2021.   

But there’s much more to Italy than exceptional education. From delicious food to stunning museums to career opportunities, it’s no wonder Italy is a top destination for students looking to study abroad.  

We spoke to three international students at the University of Padova to find out why they chose to study in Italy and learn about their experiences there.  

Experience a different lifestyle  

Often students decide to study in Italy for its excellent standards of education, but it’s actually the beauty of the country and the lifestyle that stands out the most. 

MSc in Business Administration student, Nino, took a trip to northern Italy to look at the University of Padova after learning about it at an educational fair in his hometown in Georgia. On the trip he fell in love with the beauty, history and culture of Italy. 

He said: “I thought studying in Italy would be an opportunity to explore an incredible array of heritage, learn the language which I considered very attractive, and become familiar with the culture which is very vibrant and very different from my own.” 

Similarly, astrophysics and cosmology master’s student, Don, was first inspired to study in Italy when he took an international workshop in Trieste in 2019.   

He said: “After the workshop, I went for a short tour around Italy, and I fell in love with the food, culture, landscape and architecture.” 

Don wanted to take advantage of the high quality of education available in Italy and prepare for his future career. He believed studying in Italy would be a great opportunity to experience other cultures and environments to help broaden his perspective.  

The city of Padova itself is located in the north of the country, not too far from Venice and is a popular study destination for international students. 

Nino described Padova as a city of students. He said: “There are so many ways of meeting new people, getting to know new cultures, making friends and having fun.” 

Excellent degree programmes 

Prachi’s main reasons for studying in Italy were to earn a high grade in her biotechnologies for food science master’s and discover the right career path for her.  

Prachi praised the professors on her course, who were “very supportive”, and always available to talk through any problems students might have about their studies. She also thought the layout of the course was very practical and said that she sometimes felt the course was “tailor-made” for her.

“I always felt there was enough time to study the modules and prepare well for the exam - not just to pass it, but to really master those topics,” she said.

Don also liked the way his master’s degree was structured, describing it as a “perfect fit” for him.  

He said: “The University of Padova’s Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of the best in the world, even at the same level with the leading universities around the globe.  

“The faculty is filled with many renowned scientists and researchers, and the facilities available to students are modern and advanced, even some of them are state-of-the-art and famous among international research collaborations.” 

Kickstart your career 

For Prachi, attending university in Italy played a large role in securing her new graduate role at the world’s largest organic dairy company, Arla, in Denmark.  

She said: “Studying at the University of Padova helped me land the biggest milestone of my life so far. The university and its educational support have been the anchors in this journey.” 

Whilst in her first year, Prachi was selected for a project where she got the chance to work with students and professors from the University of Sydney in Australia for Italian dairy company, Brazzale. Through ERASMUS Prachi then took an additional semester in France, where she studied market research and marketing.  

After lockdown, Prachi went back to Italy to complete her thesis on an Italian dairy company, Agriform. This industry knowledge helped her get a full-time internship in a food intelligence company in Belgium, which allowed her to gain new skills and enhance her CV. She then used this to secure her job at Arla. 

Prachi said: “It was because of the flexibility offered by the University of Padova that allowed me to choose different courses and projects. This helped me to explore and choose the right career options.” 

Study and work life balance 

Being a student in Italy is more than just about getting a top-quality degree and valuable work experience.  

“Italy is an amazing country, and it gives you an opportunity to balance both studying and diving into the culture. The atmosphere is laid-back, very warm but also very lively at the same time,” said Nino. 

Students in Italy like to study hard, party hard and enjoy the country’s culture and good food, explained Prachi. 

Don agreed: “The art and architecture in Italy is very grand. Visiting the museums and theatres, even just walking around various cities, will inspire you.”

When you’re not studying, partying or exploring museums, Nino suggested taking some time to explore your student city. 

He said: “If you’re a person who likes to wander and get lost in the streets of the city, it’s amazing – each time you’re discovering something new, taking photos and enjoying the beauty surrounding you.” 

Easy to travel 

With efficient trams, metros, trains and buses across the country, as well as 77 airports, Italy is a perfect place for those who like to travel.  

Nino said the trains in Italy are cheap, fast and have stations very close to the city centres. And if you do end up in another Italian city, you won’t be disappointed.  

“Every region in Italy is unique and you can discover many amazing cities with authentic atmospheres and breath-taking views,” said Nino.  

Don echoes Nino’s sentiments. He said: “Italy’s cities have their own charms. There are big cities like Rome and Milan filled with beautiful architectures and art, the beautiful mountains of Asiago, the hidden gems of the small cities of Padova, Vicenza, Parma and Trieste, the historic attraction of Verona and Florence, and the unique waterways of Venice.”  

Learn to speak Italian 

Each of the students recommended learning some Italian while studying in Italy, although it’s estimated that over half of the population knows at least some English.  

Prachi advises learning Italian to blend in better with the locals. It will also help you understand the jokes, which, she explains, often aren’t as funny in English.  

Don took to music to try and better understand the language too. He said: “The Italian language is very beautiful to the ears, especially when you sing it, and the nonverbal gestures are also interesting.  

“I’ve been learning the Italian language and have been listening to and singing some Italian songs”. 

Delicious food 

Of course, one thing Italy is famous for is its delicious food, with countries all over the world replicating the country’s cuisine.  

“For me, the Italian food is one of the best in the world. Once you taste the Italian pizza, pasta and gelato, food will never be the same again,” said Don.  

Don has also tried his hand at cooking authentic Italian food during his time studying abroad.  

“Cooking Italian dishes is also a good experience because you can learn directly from your friends and you have the authentic ingredients and recipes in Italy,” he said. 

Nino agrees.

“The gastronomical experience is on another level, with the delicious and very diverse cuisine, ingredients and products across the regions.”  

Still not convinced? 

Don also offered some advice for students looking to study in Italy. 

He said: “When you are in Italy, live a life beyond the academia. Although the level of education is quite advanced, don’t spend all your time in books.  

“You are in one of the most marvellous places on the earth. Experience that and live through that. Be wise with your time and money so that you can have the most wonderful experience in Italy.  

“Get out from the comfort of your own world and discover the people, the places, the culture and everything Italy has to offer." 

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