Bachelor of Science of Nursing 48 months Undergraduate Program By Symbiosis International (Deemed University) |Top Universities
Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration


201,785 INRTuition Fee/year



Main Subject Area

NursingMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

We believe that the world is one family and education is the right of every child of this country and any level of education should equip the student to be able to gain fruitful employment and also provide an opportunity to continue education whenever possible. We believe that nursing education must occur in a natural setting that is the clinical and the community setup. We also believe that education should be flexible enough to promote vertical and horizontal growth and mobility. We believe that the nurse educators responsibility lies in providing the right experiences to the student and allowing the students to explore and learn while enjoying her learning experience. Indian Nursing Council believes that, Health is a state of well-being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Scope of nursing practice encompasses provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in a wide variety of health care settings. Practice of Nursing is based upon application of basic concepts and principles derived from the physical, biological & behavioural sciences. Undergraduate nursing program at the post basic level is a broad based education within an academic framework, which builds upon the skills and competencies acquired at the diploma level. It is specifically directed to the upgrading of critical thinking skills, competencies & standards required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery as envisaged in National Health Policy 2002.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

We believe that the world is one family and education is the right of every child of this country and any level of education should equip the student to be able to gain fruitful employment and also provide an opportunity to continue education whenever possible. We believe that nursing education must occur in a natural setting that is the clinical and the community setup. We also believe that education should be flexible enough to promote vertical and horizontal growth and mobility. We believe that the nurse educators responsibility lies in providing the right experiences to the student and allowing the students to explore and learn while enjoying her learning experience. Indian Nursing Council believes that, Health is a state of well-being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Scope of nursing practice encompasses provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in a wide variety of health care settings. Practice of Nursing is based upon application of basic concepts and principles derived from the physical, biological & behavioural sciences. Undergraduate nursing program at the post basic level is a broad based education within an academic framework, which builds upon the skills and competencies acquired at the diploma level. It is specifically directed to the upgrading of critical thinking skills, competencies & standards required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery as envisaged in National Health Policy 2002.

Admission requirements

4 Years
  • Candidates are required to submit references or letter(s) of recommendation for acceptance
  • Candidates are required to submit an essay(s) for acceptance

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

126,000 INR

International Students

201,785 INR

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