Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) - Sungai Long 36 months PHD Program By Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) |Top Universities

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) - Sungai Long

Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration


5,992 USDTuition Fee/year



Main Subject Area

Engineering - GeneralMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - General



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus


Programme Aims:

The Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) programme aims to cater for:

  1. Fresh graduates who wish to obtain an in-depth study in engineering
  2. Candidates from the industry who are keen in continuous learning and upgrading their knowledge in engineering.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO):

The objectives of the Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) programme are to produce:

  1. Graduates competent in practising advanced scientific principles in science, technology and engineering industries.
  2. Graduates engage in the activities that demonstrate communication and leadership role.
  3. Graduates practising professional ethics and lifelong learning with awareness in sustainability issues.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO):

At the end of the programme, graduates must be able to:

  1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of frontier knowledge by generating substantial and original contributions to engineering field/s.
  2. Conduct rigorous research and investigation with minimal supervision.
  3. Demonstrate intellectual leadership qualities and management skills.
  4. Conduct research while adhering to legal, ethical, professional and sustainable practices.
  5. Communicate effectively with peers and stakeholders.
  6. Synthesise existing and new knowledge in engineering field/s to develop new findings.
  7. Use suitable digital and analytical tool techniques to research complex problems
  8. Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - General



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus


Programme Aims:

The Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) programme aims to cater for:

  1. Fresh graduates who wish to obtain an in-depth study in engineering
  2. Candidates from the industry who are keen in continuous learning and upgrading their knowledge in engineering.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO):

The objectives of the Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) programme are to produce:

  1. Graduates competent in practising advanced scientific principles in science, technology and engineering industries.
  2. Graduates engage in the activities that demonstrate communication and leadership role.
  3. Graduates practising professional ethics and lifelong learning with awareness in sustainability issues.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO):

At the end of the programme, graduates must be able to:

  1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of frontier knowledge by generating substantial and original contributions to engineering field/s.
  2. Conduct rigorous research and investigation with minimal supervision.
  3. Demonstrate intellectual leadership qualities and management skills.
  4. Conduct research while adhering to legal, ethical, professional and sustainable practices.
  5. Communicate effectively with peers and stakeholders.
  6. Synthesise existing and new knowledge in engineering field/s to develop new findings.
  7. Use suitable digital and analytical tool techniques to research complex problems
  8. Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.

Admission requirements

(a) a Master’s degree from UTAR and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to the satisfaction of the Senate; or
(b) A Master’s degree of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of adequate related research or work experience to the satisfaction of the Senate; or
(c) Candidates without a related Master’s degree in the field or working or research experience in the relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by UTAR.
(d) A Bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields from UTAR with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 and show evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or
(e) A Bachelor’s degree in the field or related fields of another university or equivalent qualification from an institution with First Class Honours or with a minimum CGPA of 3.67 as approved by the Senate and shows evidence of related research aptitude to the satisfaction of the Senate; or
(f) Any other qualifications equivalent to (a), (b), (d) or (e) as approved by the Senate.
3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

3,187 USD

International Students

5,992 USD

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman offers over 78 undergraduate degree programs in subjects such as business, Chinese studies, arts, social sciences and education, creative industries and design, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, Chinese medicine and health sciences, as well as medicine.
Ambitious students can participate in the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Undergraduate Research Scheme (URS) where they will be trained to conduct scientific research and work with researchers on real-life projects. UTAR has introduced the UTAR Soft Skills Development Certificate which is designed to cultivate essential soft skills as required in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, including moral and professional ethics, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, teamwork and digital literacy skills.  

Tuition fees
The average tuition fees for an undergraduate degree range between $US14,000 and US$30,000 depending on the program you’re interested in studying.

Entry requirements and how to apply
If you are interested in applying to study for an undergraduate degree at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), you will need to have achieved the following, depending on which course you are wishing to apply for.

Foundation: O-Level with 5 credits in the relevant subjects or its equivalent qualification

Undergraduate degree: A-Level with 2-3 passes in the relevant subjects, or high school leaving examination equivalent with 5 passes

More information about entry requirements, including English language requirements , as well as how to apply  can be found on the university’s website.

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman offers 2 postgraduate diploma programs, 33 master’s degree programs, and 13 Doctorate programs , in subjects such as business administration, mathematics, information systems, engineering, environmental technology, project management, psychology, social science, creative arts, Chinese studies, computer science and health sciences.

Tuition fees

The average tuition fees for a postgraduate degree range between $US4,500 and US$9,750 , depending on the program you’re interested in studying.
Students can apply for project research assistantship subject to availability for research postgraduate degree programs.  

Entry requirements and how to apply

More information about entry requirements, including English language requirements , as well as how to apply if you’re an international student can be found on the university’s website.

PHD programs 1983