Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy 36 months Undergraduate Program By USI - Università della Svizzera italiana |Top Universities
Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration


2,000 CHFTuition Fee/year

Application Deadline

30 Apr, 2024Application Deadline



Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The programme is entirely taught in Italian; therefore, the course profile is unavailable in English. 

La filosofia si contraddistingue da altre discipline: non ti insegna solamente cosa pensare, ma anche come pensare. Studiare filosofia è fondamentale per sviluppare capacità di pensiero critico e analitico, imparare ad argomentare, e acquisire competenze nella comunicazione scritta e orale. Questi cosiddetti soft skills, applicabili in svariati ambiti e situazioni, sono tenuti in grande considerazione nel mondo del lavoro.

Il Bachelor in Filosofia offerto dall’Istituto di Studi Filosofici (ISFI) presso la Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (affiliata all'USI):

  • offre una  formazione solida e bilanciata  in tutti gli ambiti e tradizioni della filosofia;
  • si contraddistingue per la sua  impronta internazionale e interdisciplinare ;
  • stimola la crescita intellettuale e la partecipazione attiva degli studenti attraverso  diversi metodi d’insegnamento  (lezione frontale, seminari, lavoro sul testo, dispute filosofiche…);
  • dà l’opportunità di interagire con filosofi di grande prestigio internazionale grazie all’ ottimo rapporto numerico docenti/studenti ;
  • si inserisce in un  ambiente filosofico vivace e in rapida crescita  come quello dell’Istituto di Studi Filosofici di Lugano;
  • permette di  massimizzare gli sbocchi professionali  tramite l’offerta di percorsi interdisciplinari.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The programme is entirely taught in Italian; therefore, the course profile is unavailable in English. 

La filosofia si contraddistingue da altre discipline: non ti insegna solamente cosa pensare, ma anche come pensare. Studiare filosofia è fondamentale per sviluppare capacità di pensiero critico e analitico, imparare ad argomentare, e acquisire competenze nella comunicazione scritta e orale. Questi cosiddetti soft skills, applicabili in svariati ambiti e situazioni, sono tenuti in grande considerazione nel mondo del lavoro.

Il Bachelor in Filosofia offerto dall’Istituto di Studi Filosofici (ISFI) presso la Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (affiliata all'USI):

  • offre una  formazione solida e bilanciata  in tutti gli ambiti e tradizioni della filosofia;
  • si contraddistingue per la sua  impronta internazionale e interdisciplinare ;
  • stimola la crescita intellettuale e la partecipazione attiva degli studenti attraverso  diversi metodi d’insegnamento  (lezione frontale, seminari, lavoro sul testo, dispute filosofiche…);
  • dà l’opportunità di interagire con filosofi di grande prestigio internazionale grazie all’ ottimo rapporto numerico docenti/studenti ;
  • si inserisce in un  ambiente filosofico vivace e in rapida crescita  come quello dell’Istituto di Studi Filosofici di Lugano;
  • permette di  massimizzare gli sbocchi professionali  tramite l’offerta di percorsi interdisciplinari.

Admission requirements

30 Apr 2024
3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students


International Students

2,000 CHF

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

USI Bachelors's degrees are 3-year (6 semesters) full-time study programs that comply with the principles set out by the Bologna Declaration. 

The USI Bachelor's diploma enables students to continue at the postgraduate level (Master's degree). 

Our programmes

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) offers 7 Bachelor's programmes: 

  • Architecture
  • Italian Language, Literature and Culture
  • Communication
  • Economics
  • Informatics
  • Data Science
  • Theology
  • Philosophy

The Bachelor in Architecture is organised at the Academy of Architecture, on the Mendrisio campus.

All other Bachelor programs are organised on the Lugano campus. USI Bachelor curricula provide levels of specialisation and, at the same time, a multidisplinary approach, combining quality education with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, offering many opportunities for informal dialogue between faculty and students.


All courses are awarded with ECTS points. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) guarantees that credits are compatible and transferable within all European universities. A full time academic year consists of 60 ECTS (30 credits each semester). Full Bachelor studies correspond to 180 ECTS. The second level of university studies (postgraduate or Master's degree), which completes the "3 + 2" system (Bologna system), consists in three or four semesters, equivalent to 90 or 120 ECTS.

Educational model

International faculty teach students with an interdisciplinary, engaging and interactive approach. The USI educational model is enhanced by a system that closely accompanies students in their learning path, with small classes enabling group exercises and direct dialogue with professors.

Teaching language

The official teaching language of the Bachelors in Architecture, Economics, Communication, Italian Language, Literature and Civilisation, Theology and Philosophy is Italian. Interested students can attend intensive Italian courses before the beginning of the autumn semester and the extensive courses throughout the academic year.

The Bachelor of Science in Informatics is taught entirely in English. Interested students are offered an intensive English language course before the beginning of the academic year and a technical English course during the first semester.

The Master's degrees at USI are defined by their high level of specialization, leading to international careers both in the professional and academic fields. Distinguished faculty in the respective disciplines provide innovative and quality teaching with a strong interdisciplinary approach and in collaboration with local and international institutions. The direct dialogue with professors and the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the Univeristy are the elements that enable students to broaden their views and to define their education individually. Theory is applied in case studies and consulting projects for companies and other business entities (field project).

The Master of Science or Master of Arts degrees are full-time graduate-level specialisation programs (3 or 4 semesters) awarded with 90-120 ECTS points.

Master's degrees are offered in the following subject areas:


  • Master in Architecture
  • Master in History and Theory of Art and Archictecture
  • Master in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana
  • Master in Philosophy
  • Master of Theology
  • Master in Interreligious Dialogue: Science, Philosophy and Theology of Religions
  • Master in Diritto canonico ed ecclesiastico comparato


  • Master in Finance
  • Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication
  • Master in Financial Technology and Computing


  • Master in International Tourism

Political Economy

  • Master in Economia e politiche internazionali
  • Master in Economics
  • Master in Public Management and Policy (PMP)

Management and Marketing

  • Master in Management
  • Master in Management and Informatics
  • Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy
  • Master in Digital Fashion Communication
  • Master in Corporate Communication
  • Master in Public Management and Policy (PMP)


  • Master in Communication, Management and Health
  • Master in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication

Media and Communication

  • Master in Media Management
  • Master in Communication, Management and Health
  • Master in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication
  • Master in Corporate Communication
  • Master in Digital Fashion Communication
  • Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication


  • Master in Informatics
  • Master in Artificial Intelligence
  • Master in Software and Data Engineering
  • Master in Management and Informatics
  • Master in Financial Technology and Computing

Computational Science

  • Master in Computational Science

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