Juvenile Justice an d Protection of Children and Young People in Danger MSc 24 months Postgraduate Program By Universidade Lusófona |Top Universities

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The study cycle has the following learning objectives: a) To deepen knowledge at the level of the legal organization that fits the intervention in the context of juvenile justice (JJ) and protection of children and young in danger (PCYD). b) To know the conceptual models that explain the paths of aggression / victimization in childhood / adolescence and to recognize their developmental impact. c) Inform and raise awareness of the current challenges of intervention in this area, considering the phenomena of diversity, multiculturalism, and migration. d) Train practical skills in the selection and application of methodologies and techniques for planning the intervention in the JJ and PCYD systems. e) To develop complex problem-solving skills, namely in terms of assessment and decision making in the contexts of JJ and PCYD. f) Provide skills for the development of social intervention programs, based on evidence for solving psychosocial problems. g) Training for the use of critical thinking, ethical reasoning underlying psychosocial intervention in PCYD and JJ systems and collaborative practices in multidisciplinary teams.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The study cycle has the following learning objectives: a) To deepen knowledge at the level of the legal organization that fits the intervention in the context of juvenile justice (JJ) and protection of children and young in danger (PCYD). b) To know the conceptual models that explain the paths of aggression / victimization in childhood / adolescence and to recognize their developmental impact. c) Inform and raise awareness of the current challenges of intervention in this area, considering the phenomena of diversity, multiculturalism, and migration. d) Train practical skills in the selection and application of methodologies and techniques for planning the intervention in the JJ and PCYD systems. e) To develop complex problem-solving skills, namely in terms of assessment and decision making in the contexts of JJ and PCYD. f) Provide skills for the development of social intervention programs, based on evidence for solving psychosocial problems. g) Training for the use of critical thinking, ethical reasoning underlying psychosocial intervention in PCYD and JJ systems and collaborative practices in multidisciplinary teams.

Admission requirements

10 Jun 2024
2 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

654 EUR

International Students

654 EUR

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