Psychology BSc (Hons) 36 months Undergraduate Program By De Montfort University |TopMBA
Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration


42,750 GBPTuition Fee/year

Main Subject Area

PsychologyMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The Psychology BSc (Hons) focuses across key areas in psychology with an opportunity to achieve a deeper understanding in specialised areas. The first and second years focus upon providing a foundation in what the British Psychological Society recognises as the core areas of psychology. Additional focus is given to exploring psychology as an applied subject, where the impact of psychology in our everyday lives is made more explicit. This course is professionally accredited by the British Psychological Society, which means successful completion of this course enables eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership; the first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist. You may enhance your range of scientific knowledge, transferable and analytical skills across a broad range of optional modules. Furthermore, be involved in our Psychology student volunteers which provide exciting opportunities to become actively involved in cutting edge research projects and work with organisations. 97% of our psychology graduates seeking to enter employment or further study are successful within six months of graduating. For more information please visit our website

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


The Psychology BSc (Hons) focuses across key areas in psychology with an opportunity to achieve a deeper understanding in specialised areas. The first and second years focus upon providing a foundation in what the British Psychological Society recognises as the core areas of psychology. Additional focus is given to exploring psychology as an applied subject, where the impact of psychology in our everyday lives is made more explicit. This course is professionally accredited by the British Psychological Society, which means successful completion of this course enables eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership; the first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist. You may enhance your range of scientific knowledge, transferable and analytical skills across a broad range of optional modules. Furthermore, be involved in our Psychology student volunteers which provide exciting opportunities to become actively involved in cutting edge research projects and work with organisations. 97% of our psychology graduates seeking to enter employment or further study are successful within six months of graduating. For more information please visit our website

Admission requirements

3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

27,750 GBP

International Students

42,750 GBP

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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