Top architecture schools | Top Universities

Top architecture schools

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Holly Hemmings

Updated Aug 29, 2024



Architecture students

The recently released QS World University Rankings by Subject features over 240 of the top higher education institutions to study architecture. 

The subject rankings are based on four indicators: academic and employer indicator, citations per paper and H-index citations (a way of measuring the productivity and published work of a scientist or scholar). You can find more details about the methodology behind the subject rankings here. 

Read on to discover more about the best architecture schools in each region. Alternatively, if you would like to explore the top architecture schools further, view the full table here.

Country Rank
Global Rank

Country Rank


Global Rank

UCLLondon, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom

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Global Rank

Cambridge, United States

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Global Rank

Delft, Netherlands

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Global Rank

ETH ZurichZürich, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland

Country Rank


Global Rank

Manchester School of ArchitectureManchester, United Kingdom
Manchester, United Kingdom

Country Rank


Global Rank

Singapore, Singapore

Country Rank


Global Rank

Harvard UniversityCambridge, United States
Cambridge, United States

Country Rank


Global Rank

Milan,, Italy

Country Rank


Global Rank

Tsinghua UniversityBeijing, China (Mainland)
Beijing, China (Mainland)

Country Rank


Global Rank

Berkeley, United States

Top universities for architecture in the US and Canada

Of the schools featured in the architecture subject rankings, many of these top universities are found in the US which is one of the most-represented study destinations within the global top 50.

Top-ranking universities in the US include Columbia University, Georgia Insititute of Technology and University of California Los Angeles

Heading north to Canada, the University of British Columbia does well in the citations per paper and H-index indicators and other top Canadian universities for architecture include University of Toronto and McGill University

Top universities for architecture in Europe

The UK is home to over a dozen of the best architecture schools in the world. Top UK universities for architecture include University of Cambridge and The University of Sheffield. Elsewhere, Ireland’s University College Dublin scored particularly well in the citations per paper and H-index indicators.

In FranceUniversité Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneUniversité Paris-Est Créteil Val de MarneUniversité Grenoble Alps and Université PSL are all included in the latest rankings. Spain's representatives include Universitat Politèctina de Catalunya, Universidad Politècnica de Madrid and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Germany also performs well this year, with top universities for architecture including Technische Universität Berlin and Technical University of Munich

Italy also performs well in the architecture subject rankings, with two particularly notable entrants: Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino. Switzerland also has two entrants perform well: ETH Zurich and EPFL

In the Netherlands top architecture schools include Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology. Three of the world’s best architecture schools can be found in Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and Lund University. Norway is home to two of the world’s top universities for architecture: Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Oslo School of Architecture

Belgium has five particularly notable universities for architecture this year, including KU Leuven, while in Portugal the top universities for architecture include University of Lisbon and University of Porto.

Austria’s two top entrants, Technische Universität Wein and Graz University of Technology are also worth mentioning, as is Lithuania’s single entrant, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Top universities for architecture in Australia and New Zealand

Of Australia’s universities in the subject rankings for architecture this year, four have performed significantly well: The University of MelbourneRMIT University, The University of Sydney and The University of South Wales

New Zealand has three notable entrants in the rankings this year; The University of Auckland, Massey University and Victoria University of Wellington.

Top universities for architecture in Asia  

Mainland China contains a high proportion of the top universities for architecture in Asia this year, including Tsinghua University, Tongji University and Tianjin University

Singapore has three top entrants including National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University. Israel is represented this year by Technicon – Israel Institute of Technology, while Taiwan's most notable universities are National Cheng Kung UniversityNational Taipei University of Technology and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Japan has an impressive number of universities in the architecture subject rankings including The University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of TechnologySouth Korea also performs well and is represented by several universities including Seoul National University (28th).

Hong Kong SAR contains a few of the world's top universities for architecture, including The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Top universities for architecture in Latin America  

Chile and Columbia both have universities featured in the architecture subject rankings this year, with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Nacional de Colombia among the strongest performers in the region.

Of Mexico’s three entrants, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México scored well for employer reputation and Argentina's Universidad de Buenos Aires ranked highly. 

Brazil's representation is led by the Universidade de São Paulo.

Top universities for architecture in Africa

The University of Cape Town is South Africa’s most notable university this year for architecture.

Elsewhere in Africa, Egypt is represented by Cairo University, Ain Shams University in Cairo and Alexandria University.

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