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BA Criminology with International Study
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
# =57QS Subject Rankings
76,000 GBPTuition Fee/year
Law and Legal StudiesMain Subject Area
Program overview
Main Subject
Law and Legal Studies
Study Level
Program overview
Main Subject
Law and Legal Studies
Study Level
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Important Dates
Tuition fee and scholarships
Tuition Fee
Domestic Students
International Students
One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.
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Where to look for scholarship opportunities
How to apply to scholarships relevant to you
A list of available scholarships around the world
A scholarship application checklist
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Bachelor UG
Master PG
Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities, The University of Manchester enjoys an international reputation for pioneering research and innovation.
According to the 2025 QS Ranking of World Universities, Manchester is ranked 34th in the world and 6th in the UK. Now the largest single-site university in the UK, based in the heart of one of the most exciting cities in the world, Manchester is also a truly international institution - with over 160 nationalities represented. Manchester is a truly comprehensive university and boasts strength in all areas of Humanities, Science, Engineering, Biology, Medicine and Health.
Consistently among the most targeted university by the UK’s top employers (High Fliers Report) and enjoying a top 50 reputation among employers globally (QS).
The University of Manchester is one of Britain's most famous and forward-thinking universities, with a rich heritage stretching back to 1824 and an exciting agenda for the future. Our story is one of world firsts and brilliant discoveries, with 25 Nobel Prize winners having worked or studied here. Many major advances of the 20th century began here, including the birth of the computer, the work that led to the splitting of the atom and the founding principles of modern economics. Today, research remains at the heart of the University and the quality, breadth and volume of research activity is unparalleled in the UK, with strong collaborative links with industry across the globe.
The University’s campus has benefitted from a £1 billion capital investment programme features beautiful heritage buildings and new developments such as a new building for Alliance Manchester Building School and MECD, the single largest home for engineering in any UK university. The campus also features a museum, art gallery, concert venues and the biggest Students’ Union in the UK with over 400 clubs and societies.
Follow the University of Manchester on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and X.
Arts and Humanities (6)
BA American Studies (3 years)
BA American Studies (4 years)
BA Ancient History
BA Ancient History and Archaeology
BA Ancient History and History
BA Arabic Studies
BA Arabic and a Modern European Language
BA Archaeology
BA Archaeology and Anthropology
BA Archaeology and History
BA Architecture
BA Art History and Arabic
BA Art History and Chinese
BA Art History and English Literature
BA Art History and French
BA Art History and German
BA Art History and History
BA Art History and Italian
BA Art History and Japanese
BA Art History and Portuguese
BA Art History and Russian
BA Art History and Spanish
BA Chinese Studies
BA Chinese and Japanese
BA Classical Studies
BA Classics
BA Comparative Religion and Social Anthropology
BA Drama
BA Drama and English Literature
BA Drama and Film Studies
BA English Language
BA English Language and Arabic
BA English Language and Chinese
BA English Language and English Literature
BA English Language and French
BA English Language and German
BA English Language and Italian
BA English Language and Japanese
BA English Language and Portuguese
BA English Language and Russian
BA English Language and Spanish
BA English Literature
BA English Literature and American Studies
BA English Literature and French
BA English Literature and German
BA English Literature and History
BA English Literature and Italian
BA English Literature and Spanish
BA English Literature with Creative Writing
BA Film Studies and English Language
BA Film Studies and English Literature
BA Film Studies and History of Art
BA French Studies
BA French and Chinese
BA French and German
BA French and Italian
BA French and Japanese
BA French and Portuguese
BA French and Russian
BA French and Spanish
BA German Studies
BA German and Chinese
BA German and Italian
BA German and Japanese
BA German and Portuguese
BA German and Russian
BA German and Spanish
BA History
BA History and American Studies
BA History and Arabic
BA History and French
BA History and German
BA History and Italian
BA History and Portuguese
BA History and Russian
BA History and Sociology
BA History and Spanish
BA History of Art
BA Italian Studies
BA Italian and Chinese
BA Italian and Japanese
BA Italian and Portuguese
BA Italian and Russian
BA Italian and Spanish
BA Japanese Studies
BA Latin and English Literature
BA Latin and French
BA Latin and Italian
BA Latin and Linguistics
BA Latin and Spanish
BA Linguistics
BA Linguistics and Arabic
BA Linguistics and Chinese
BA Linguistics and French
BA Linguistics and German
BA Linguistics and Italian
BA Linguistics and Japanese
BA Linguistics and Portuguese
BA Linguistics and Russian
BA Linguistics and Social Anthropology
BA Linguistics and Sociology
BA Linguistics and Spanish
BA Middle Eastern Studies
BA Modern History with Economics
BA Music and Drama
BA Philosophy
BA Philosophy and Religion
BA Portuguese and Chinese
BA Portuguese and Japanese
BA Religions and Theology
BA Religions, Theology and Ethics
BA Russian Studies
BA Russian and Chinese
BA Russian and Japanese
BA Russian and Portuguese
BA Russian and Spanish
BA Spanish and Chinese
BA Spanish and Japanese
BA Spanish and Portuguese
BA Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
BA Theological Studies in Philosophy and Ethics
BA World Literatures
BAEcon Economics and Philosophy
BASS Philosophy and Criminology
BASS Philosophy and Politics
BASS Philosophy and Quantitative Methods
BSc Fashion Buying and Merchandising
BSc Fashion Technology
BSc Planning and Real Estate
BSc Planning and Real Estate with Professional Placement
MPlan Planning
MPlan Planning and Real Estate with Professional Placement
MPlan Planning with Professional Placement
MusB Music
Business and Management (6)
BAEcon Economics and Politics
BSc Fashion Management
Engineering and Technology (6)
BEng Aerospace Engineering
BEng Chemical Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering
BEng Computer Systems Engineering
BEng Computer Systems Engineering with Industrial Experience
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
BEng Electronic Engineering
BEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
BEng Mechanical Engineering
BEng Mechanical Engineering with Management
BEng Mechatronic Engineering
BEng Mechatronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
BSc Actuarial Science and Mathematics
BSc Artificial Intelligence
BSc Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Experience
BSc Artificial Intelligence with an Integrated Foundation Year
BSc Computer Science
BSc Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction)
BSc Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) with Industrial Experience
BSc Computer Science and Mathematics
BSc Computer Science and Mathematics with Industrial Experience
BSc Computer Science with Industrial Experience
BSc Software Engineering
BSc Software Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Aerospace Engineering
MEng Aerospace Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Aerospace Engineering with Management
MEng Artificial Intelligence
MEng Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Experience
MEng Chemical Engineering
MEng Chemical Engineering (Energy and the Environment)
MEng Chemical Engineering with Energy and Environment
MEng Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Chemical Engineering with Study in Europe
MEng Civil Engineering
MEng Civil Engineering (Enterprise)
MEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Civil and Structural Engineering
MEng Computer Science
MEng Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction)
MEng Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) with Industrial Experience
MEng Computer Science with Industrial Experience
MEng Computer Systems Engineering
MEng Computer Systems Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Electronic Engineering
MEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Mechanical Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Mechanical Engineering with Management
MEng Mechatronic Engineering
MEng Mechatronic Engineering with Industrial Experience
MEng Software Engineering
MEng Software Engineering with Industrial Experience
Life Sciences and Medicine (6)
BDS Dentistry (first-year entry)
BDS Dentistry (pre-dental entry)
BNurs Adult Nursing
BNurs Children's Nursing
BNurs Mental Health Nursing
BSc Anatomical Sciences
BSc Anatomical Sciences with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Anatomical Sciences with a Modern Language
BSc Biochemistry
BSc Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Biochemistry with a Modern Language
BSc Biology
BSc Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Biology with Science and Society with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Biology with a Modern Language
BSc Biomedical Sciences
BSc Biomedical Sciences with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Biomedical Sciences with a Modern Language
BSc Biotechnology
BSc Biotechnology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Cell Biology
BSc Cell Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Cell Biology with a Modern Language
BSc Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
BSc Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Developmental Biology
BSc Developmental Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Developmental Biology with a Modern Language
BSc Genetics
BSc Genetics with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Genetics with a Modern Language
BSc Global Health (intercalated)
BSc Healthcare Science (Audiology)
BSc Immunology
BSc Immunology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Immunology with a Modern Language
BSc Life Sciences
BSc Life Sciences with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Life Sciences with a Modern Language
BSc Medical Physiology
BSc Medical Physiology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Medical Physiology with a Modern Language
BSc Microbiology
BSc Microbiology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Microbiology with a Modern Language
BSc Molecular Biology
BSc Molecular Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Molecular Biology with a Modern Language
BSc Neuroscience
BSc Neuroscience with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Neuroscience with a Modern Language
BSc Optometry
BSc Oral Health Science
BSc Pharmacology
BSc Pharmacology and Physiology
BSc Pharmacology and Physiology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Pharmacology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Pharmacology with a Modern Language
BSc Plant Science
BSc Plant Science with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Plant Science with a Modern Language
BSc Psychology
BSc Speech and Language Therapy
BSc Zoology
BSc Zoology with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Zoology with a Modern Language
Bachelor of Midwifery
Biology with Science & Society
MBChB Medicine
MBChB Medicine (6 years including foundation year)
MPharm Pharmacy
MPharm Pharmacy with a Foundation Year
MSci Anatomical Sciences
MSci Biochemistry
MSci Biology
MSci Biomedical Sciences
MSci Biotechnology
MSci Cell Biology
MSci Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
MSci Developmental Biology
MSci Genetics
MSci Immunology
MSci Medical Physiology
MSci Microbiology
MSci Molecular Biology
MSci Neuroscience
MSci Pharmacology
MSci Plant Science
MSci Zoology
MSpchLangTher Speech and Language Therapy
Natural Sciences (6)
BA Geography
BA Geography with International Study
BA Geography with Professional Placement
BSc Chemistry
BSc Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
BSc Earth and Planetary Sciences
BSc Environmental Management
BSc Environmental Management with Professional Placement
BSc Environmental Science
BSc Geography
BSc Geography with International Study
BSc Geography with Professional Placement
BSc Materials Science and Engineering
BSc Mathematics
BSc Mathematics and Philosophy
BSc Mathematics and Physics
BSc Mathematics and Statistics
BSc Mathematics with Financial Mathematics
BSc Mathematics with a Modern Language
BSc Medical Biochemistry
BSc Medical Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional Experience
BSc Physics
BSc Physics with Astrophysics
BSc Physics with Philosophy
BSc Physics with Theoretical Physics
MChem Chemistry
MChem Chemistry (with International Study)
MChem Chemistry with Industrial Experience
MChem Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
MEarthSci Earth and Planetary Sciences
MEarthSci Earth and Planetary Sciences with Industrial Experience
MEarthSci Earth and Planetary Sciences with International Study
MEarthSci Earth and Planetary Sciences with a Research Placement
MEng Materials Science and Engineering
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Biomaterials
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Corrosion
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Metallurgy
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Nanomaterials
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Polymers
MEng Materials Science and Engineering with Textile Technology
MEnvSci Environmental Science
MEnvSci Environmental Science with Industrial Experience
MEnvSci Environmental Science with International Study
MEnvSci Environmental Science with a Research Placement
MMath Mathematics
MMath Mathematics and Statistics
MMath Mathematics with Financial Mathematics
MMath&Phys Mathematics and Physics
MPhys Physics
MPhys Physics with Astrophysics
MPhys Physics with Philosophy
MPhys Physics with Study in Europe
MPhys Physics with Theoretical Physics
MSci Medical Biochemistry
Social Sciences and Management (6)
BA Criminology
BA Criminology with International Study
BA East Asian Studies
BA East Asian Studies with International Study
BA Film Studies and Arabic
BA Film Studies and Archaeology
BA Film Studies and Chinese
BA Film Studies and East Asian Studies
BA Film Studies and French
BA Film Studies and German
BA Film Studies and History
BA Film Studies and Italian
BA Film Studies and Japanese
BA Film Studies and Linguistics
BA Film Studies and Middle Eastern Studies
BA Film Studies and Music
BA Film Studies and Portuguese
BA Film Studies and Russian
BA Film Studies and Spanish
BA Politics and Arabic
BA Politics and Chinese
BA Politics and French
BA Politics and German
BA Politics and Italian
BA Politics and Japanese
BA Politics and Modern History
BA Politics and Portuguese
BA Politics and Russian
BA Politics and Spanish
BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics
BAEcon Development Studies
BAEcon Development Studies and Social Statistics
BASS Criminology and Quantitative Methods
BASS Politics and Criminology
BASS Politics and Quantitative Methods
BASS Politics and Social Anthropology
BASS Politics and Sociology
BASS Social Anthropology and Criminology
BASS Social Anthropology and Philosophy
BASS Social Anthropology and Quantitative Methods
BASS Social Anthropology and Sociology
BASS Sociology and Criminology
BASS Sociology and Philosophy
BSc Education
BSc Educational Psychology
BSocSc Politics and International Relations
BSocSc Social Anthropology
BSocSc Sociology
LLB Law with Criminology
LLB Law with International Study
LLB Law with Politics
Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities, The University of Manchester enjoys an international reputation for pioneering research and innovation.
According to the 2025 QS Ranking of World Universities, Manchester is ranked 34th in the world and 6th in the UK. Now the largest single-site university in the UK, based in the heart of one of the most exciting cities in the world, Manchester is also a truly international institution - with over 160 nationalities represented. Manchester is a truly comprehensive university and boasts strength in all areas of Humanities, Science, Engineering, Biology, Medicine and Health, ranking top 10 in the UK for 44 subjects according to QS.
Consistently among the most targeted university by the UK’s top employers (High Fliers Report) and enjoying a top 50 reputation among employers globally (QS), Manchester has an exceptional reputation for employability.
The University of Manchester is one of Britain's most famous and forward-thinking universities, with a rich heritage stretching back to 1824 and an exciting agenda for the future. Our story is one of world firsts and brilliant discoveries, with 25 Nobel Prize winners having worked or studied here. Many major advances of the 20th century began here, including the birth of the computer, the work that led to the splitting of the atom and the founding principles of modern economics. Today, research remains at the heart of the University and the quality, breadth and volume of research activity is unparalleled in the UK, with strong collaborative links with industry across the globe.
The University’s campus has benefitted from a £1 billion capital investment programme features beautiful heritage buildings and new developments such as a new building for Alliance Manchester Building School and MECD, the single largest home for engineering in any UK university. The campus also features a museum, art gallery, concert venues and the biggest Students’ Union in the UK with over 400 clubs and societies.
Follow the University of Manchester on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and X.
Arts and Humanities (6)
MA Architecture and Urbanism
MA Art Gallery and Museum Studies
MA Classics and Ancient History
MA Creative Writing
MA Egyptology
MA English Literature and American Studies
MA Heritage Studies
MA History
MA Linguistics
MA Medieval and Early Modern Studies
MA Modern Languages and Cultures
MA Modern and Contemporary Literature
MA Philosophy
MA Playwriting
MA Religions and Theology
MA Screenwriting
MA Translation and Interpreting Studies