B.A. in Political Science - Pre-Law Concentration Undergraduate Program By Saint Francis University |Top Universities

B.A. in Political Science - Pre-Law Concentration

Main Subject Area

PoliticsMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Formally, political science is the study of political processes and political systems, the political behavior of individuals and groups, the structures of governments, public policy, theories of good government and political ethics. Political science employs both humanistic and scientific methods to understand the interrelationship of politics, the economy and society. At its heart political science is about how people work together, balancing the common good and their individual interests. Political science has much to say about how people work together in politics, the economy and society. Major Requirements: PLSC 102 - American National Government PLSC 103 - World Politics PLSC 211 - Democracy and Dictatorship: Comparative Politics in the Modern World or PLSC 221 - War and Peace: International Relations in the Modern World or PLSC 223 - U.S. Foreign Policy PLSC 301 - Constitutional Law PLSC 305 - Civil Rights and Civil Liberties PLSC 313 - Ethics and Public Policy PLSC 433 - Foundations of Political Theory PLSC 499 - Seminar in Research Techniques Major Electives Any 12 credits not taken as required courses. Pre-Law Requirements (15 credits): (Some may fulfill major or minor or general education requirements) BLAW 301 - Legal Environment of Business ENGL 103 - Writing for a Discipline ECON 101 - Principles of Economics I or PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology or SOC 102 - American Society and its Problems or SOC 104 - Sin and Society HIST 101 - Europe and the World 1500-1815 or HIST 102 - Europe and the World Since 1815 or HIST 103 - The United States to 1877 or HIST 104 - The United States Since 1877 MATH 101 - General Mathematics or MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics Pre-Law Electives: (Nine credits from the following courses, some of which may fulfill major or minor or general education requirements): ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting BLAW 302 - CPA Law COMM 401 - Media Law ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business HIST 202 - Gender in U.S. History HIST 210 - African American History HIST 262 - United States and the War on Terror HIST 331 - History of England and the British Isles to 1688 HIST 332 - Modern Britain and Empire HIST 422 - Civil War and Reconstruction: 1840-1877 HIST 440 - America in the Cold War Era PHIL 308 - Peace, Justice and Human Relations (cross listed as RLST 308) PHIL 309 - Moral Philosophy PHIL 311 - Logic PHIL 312 - Health Care Ethics PHIL 313 - Business Ethics PHIL 317 - Morality and Law PLSC 398/399 (no more than 3 credits applicable towards Pre-Law Concentration requirements) PHIL 410 - Philosophy of Law PSYC 304 - Social Psychology PLSC 421 - International Law SOC 306 - Sociology of Criminal Justice SOC 309 - Crime and Delinquency SOC 325 - The American Courts System SOC 330 - Sociology of Juvenile Justice SOC 335 - Sociological Perspectives on Policing SOC 337 - Criminal Investigation SOC 340 - Sociology of Corrections SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking Paralegal courses (PRL) can also be taken as pre-law electives

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Formally, political science is the study of political processes and political systems, the political behavior of individuals and groups, the structures of governments, public policy, theories of good government and political ethics. Political science employs both humanistic and scientific methods to understand the interrelationship of politics, the economy and society. At its heart political science is about how people work together, balancing the common good and their individual interests. Political science has much to say about how people work together in politics, the economy and society. Major Requirements: PLSC 102 - American National Government PLSC 103 - World Politics PLSC 211 - Democracy and Dictatorship: Comparative Politics in the Modern World or PLSC 221 - War and Peace: International Relations in the Modern World or PLSC 223 - U.S. Foreign Policy PLSC 301 - Constitutional Law PLSC 305 - Civil Rights and Civil Liberties PLSC 313 - Ethics and Public Policy PLSC 433 - Foundations of Political Theory PLSC 499 - Seminar in Research Techniques Major Electives Any 12 credits not taken as required courses. Pre-Law Requirements (15 credits): (Some may fulfill major or minor or general education requirements) BLAW 301 - Legal Environment of Business ENGL 103 - Writing for a Discipline ECON 101 - Principles of Economics I or PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology or SOC 102 - American Society and its Problems or SOC 104 - Sin and Society HIST 101 - Europe and the World 1500-1815 or HIST 102 - Europe and the World Since 1815 or HIST 103 - The United States to 1877 or HIST 104 - The United States Since 1877 MATH 101 - General Mathematics or MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics Pre-Law Electives: (Nine credits from the following courses, some of which may fulfill major or minor or general education requirements): ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting BLAW 302 - CPA Law COMM 401 - Media Law ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business HIST 202 - Gender in U.S. History HIST 210 - African American History HIST 262 - United States and the War on Terror HIST 331 - History of England and the British Isles to 1688 HIST 332 - Modern Britain and Empire HIST 422 - Civil War and Reconstruction: 1840-1877 HIST 440 - America in the Cold War Era PHIL 308 - Peace, Justice and Human Relations (cross listed as RLST 308) PHIL 309 - Moral Philosophy PHIL 311 - Logic PHIL 312 - Health Care Ethics PHIL 313 - Business Ethics PHIL 317 - Morality and Law PLSC 398/399 (no more than 3 credits applicable towards Pre-Law Concentration requirements) PHIL 410 - Philosophy of Law PSYC 304 - Social Psychology PLSC 421 - International Law SOC 306 - Sociology of Criminal Justice SOC 309 - Crime and Delinquency SOC 325 - The American Courts System SOC 330 - Sociology of Juvenile Justice SOC 335 - Sociological Perspectives on Policing SOC 337 - Criminal Investigation SOC 340 - Sociology of Corrections SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking Paralegal courses (PRL) can also be taken as pre-law electives

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

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