B.S. in Management - Healthcare Management Concentration Undergraduate Program By Saint Francis University |Top Universities

B.S. in Management - Healthcare Management Concentration

Main Subject Area

Business and Management StudiesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Business and Management Studies



Study Level


The Healthcare Management program is a concentration in the Management program that prepares students for management careers within the vast United States Health Care Industry by providing them with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of macro-level health care policy challenges and issues, health care economics, best contemporary management and marketing practices in the healthcare management field, health care information systems, special ethical and legal issues facing health care managers, and the critical nature and complexity of health care strategy and policy decisions. There is also a minor in Healthcare Management that can be earned with any bachelor’s degree Healthcare Management Minor. Major Requirements MGMT 101 - Principles of Management MGMT 102 - Production/Operations Management MGMT 201 - Human Resource Management MGMT 203 - Labor and Management Relations MGMT 206 - International Management MGMT 210 - The Macro-View of the United States Healthcare System MGMT 311 - Perspectives on Healthcare Management MGMT 313 - Legal and Policy Issues Facing Healthcare Managers MGMT 326 - Organizational Behavior MGMT 401 - Strategic Management MGMT 410 - Healthcare Strategy and Policy Decisions ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting BUS 101 - Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society ECON 101 - Principles of Economics I ECON 102 - Principles of Economics II ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business FIN 202 - Finance MIS 102 - Management Information Systems MKTG 302 - Marketing MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics PHIL 312 - Health Care Ethics SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking STAT 301 - Quantitative Business Analysis I STAT 302 - Quantitative Business Analysis II Electives: Choose two from below: MGMT 314 - Healthcare Information Systems MGMT 315 - Healthcare Marketing MGMT 316 - Health Economics MGMT 398A/ 399A - Internship in Healthcare Management * *An internship in the field of Healthcare Management is not required, but is highly recommended.

Program overview

Main Subject

Business and Management Studies



Study Level


The Healthcare Management program is a concentration in the Management program that prepares students for management careers within the vast United States Health Care Industry by providing them with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of macro-level health care policy challenges and issues, health care economics, best contemporary management and marketing practices in the healthcare management field, health care information systems, special ethical and legal issues facing health care managers, and the critical nature and complexity of health care strategy and policy decisions. There is also a minor in Healthcare Management that can be earned with any bachelor’s degree Healthcare Management Minor. Major Requirements MGMT 101 - Principles of Management MGMT 102 - Production/Operations Management MGMT 201 - Human Resource Management MGMT 203 - Labor and Management Relations MGMT 206 - International Management MGMT 210 - The Macro-View of the United States Healthcare System MGMT 311 - Perspectives on Healthcare Management MGMT 313 - Legal and Policy Issues Facing Healthcare Managers MGMT 326 - Organizational Behavior MGMT 401 - Strategic Management MGMT 410 - Healthcare Strategy and Policy Decisions ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting BUS 101 - Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society ECON 101 - Principles of Economics I ECON 102 - Principles of Economics II ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business FIN 202 - Finance MIS 102 - Management Information Systems MKTG 302 - Marketing MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics PHIL 312 - Health Care Ethics SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking STAT 301 - Quantitative Business Analysis I STAT 302 - Quantitative Business Analysis II Electives: Choose two from below: MGMT 314 - Healthcare Information Systems MGMT 315 - Healthcare Marketing MGMT 316 - Health Economics MGMT 398A/ 399A - Internship in Healthcare Management * *An internship in the field of Healthcare Management is not required, but is highly recommended.

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

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