B.S. in Finance - Entrepreneurship Concentration Undergraduate Program By Saint Francis University |Top Universities

B.S. in Finance - Entrepreneurship Concentration

Main Subject Area

Business and Management StudiesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Business and Management Studies



Study Level


The Entrepreneurship program is a concentration that can be earned only when completing the major requirements for any of the business administration program majors including accounting, economics, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing. The concentration is designed to inform, inspire, and empower students to engage in entrepreneurial thinking and related activities. Such activities range from using critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving as a future employee within an existing enterprise as an Intrapreneur; to solving broader social and economic problems deploying entrepreneurial thinking in communities through Social Entrepreneurship; and to being an active participant in the creation of a business start-up. Entrepreneurship effectively blends theory with practice to create a meaningful and relevant value proposition, taking into account both risk and return, that integrates a number of different academic perspectives, such as economics, philosophy, law, finance, politics, and marketing, together. There is also a minor in Entrepreneurship that can be earned with any bachelor's degree (Entrepreneurship Minor). Major Requirements: ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting ACCT 201 - Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 202 - Intermediate Accounting II BLAW 301 - Legal Environment of Business or BLAW 302 - CPA Law or BLAW 303 - Sports Law BUS 101 - Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business FIN 202 - Finance FIN 310 - Principles of Investments FIN 324 - Advanced Financial Management or FIN 325 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management FIN 402 - International Trade and Finance FIN 405 - Finance Seminar MGMT 101 - Principles of Management MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics or higher MGMT 102 - Production/Operations Management MGMT 401 - Strategic Management MKTG 302 - Marketing SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking STAT 301 - Quantitative Business Analysis I STAT 302 - Quantitative Business Analysis II Additional Requirements: Two courses from the following: ACCT 305 - Cost Accounting ACCT 401 - Accounting Applications using EXCEL ACCT 403 - Federal Income Taxes I FIN 103 - Personal Finance FIN 303 - Money and Banking FIN 324 - Advanced Financial Management or FIN 325 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Whichever course not used to fulfill major requirement, as noted above.) FIN 342 - Real Estate Investment FIN 398 - Finance Internship FIN 399 - Finance Internship FIN 406 - Independent Reading and Research FIN 409 - Special Topics in Finance FIN 501 - Independent Studies in Finance MGMT 301 - Risk Management MGMT 307 - Great Britain and the European Union in the Global Economy Entrepreneurship Concentration: MGMT 331 - Entrepreneurship MGMT 332 - The Entrepreneurial Mind: Creativity and Innovation MGMT 333 - Social Entrepreneurship MGMT 335 - Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures MGMT 430 - Small Business Start-ups and Consulting Practices PHIL 313 - Business Ethics And, three credits from the following: ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics MGMT 398 - Management Internship MGMT 399 - Management Internship MIS 342 - E-Commerce MIS 406 - Project Management Practices MKTG 321 - Marketing Research MKTG 401 - Principles of Selling and Sales Force Management

Program overview

Main Subject

Business and Management Studies



Study Level


The Entrepreneurship program is a concentration that can be earned only when completing the major requirements for any of the business administration program majors including accounting, economics, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing. The concentration is designed to inform, inspire, and empower students to engage in entrepreneurial thinking and related activities. Such activities range from using critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving as a future employee within an existing enterprise as an Intrapreneur; to solving broader social and economic problems deploying entrepreneurial thinking in communities through Social Entrepreneurship; and to being an active participant in the creation of a business start-up. Entrepreneurship effectively blends theory with practice to create a meaningful and relevant value proposition, taking into account both risk and return, that integrates a number of different academic perspectives, such as economics, philosophy, law, finance, politics, and marketing, together. There is also a minor in Entrepreneurship that can be earned with any bachelor's degree (Entrepreneurship Minor). Major Requirements: ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting ACCT 102 - Managerial Accounting ACCT 201 - Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 202 - Intermediate Accounting II BLAW 301 - Legal Environment of Business or BLAW 302 - CPA Law or BLAW 303 - Sports Law BUS 101 - Wall Street 101: Business in a Global Society ENGL 208 - Writing and Communicating in Business FIN 202 - Finance FIN 310 - Principles of Investments FIN 324 - Advanced Financial Management or FIN 325 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management FIN 402 - International Trade and Finance FIN 405 - Finance Seminar MGMT 101 - Principles of Management MATH 111 - Finite Mathematics or higher MGMT 102 - Production/Operations Management MGMT 401 - Strategic Management MKTG 302 - Marketing SPCH 103 - Speech Fundamentals and Public Speaking STAT 301 - Quantitative Business Analysis I STAT 302 - Quantitative Business Analysis II Additional Requirements: Two courses from the following: ACCT 305 - Cost Accounting ACCT 401 - Accounting Applications using EXCEL ACCT 403 - Federal Income Taxes I FIN 103 - Personal Finance FIN 303 - Money and Banking FIN 324 - Advanced Financial Management or FIN 325 - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Whichever course not used to fulfill major requirement, as noted above.) FIN 342 - Real Estate Investment FIN 398 - Finance Internship FIN 399 - Finance Internship FIN 406 - Independent Reading and Research FIN 409 - Special Topics in Finance FIN 501 - Independent Studies in Finance MGMT 301 - Risk Management MGMT 307 - Great Britain and the European Union in the Global Economy Entrepreneurship Concentration: MGMT 331 - Entrepreneurship MGMT 332 - The Entrepreneurial Mind: Creativity and Innovation MGMT 333 - Social Entrepreneurship MGMT 335 - Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures MGMT 430 - Small Business Start-ups and Consulting Practices PHIL 313 - Business Ethics And, three credits from the following: ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics MGMT 398 - Management Internship MGMT 399 - Management Internship MIS 342 - E-Commerce MIS 406 - Project Management Practices MKTG 321 - Marketing Research MKTG 401 - Principles of Selling and Sales Force Management

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

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