Midwifery 36 months Undergraduate Program By University of Parma |Top Universities
Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration


156 EURTuition Fee/year



Main Subject Area

NursingMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Degree Course in Obstetrics is structured over three years and aims at the theoretical-practical training of the professional figure of the midwife. The focus is on in-depth knowledge of the physiology, promotion and maintenance of women's health in all stages of life with particular attention to the mother-infant couple. After graduating and registering with the Professional Order, you can start your work as a midwife in public and / or private health facilities (hospitals / clinics / clinics) or as a freelance. You will be able to work in European Union countries and in all countries where the equivalence of the title is recognized.

Program overview

Main Subject




Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Degree Course in Obstetrics is structured over three years and aims at the theoretical-practical training of the professional figure of the midwife. The focus is on in-depth knowledge of the physiology, promotion and maintenance of women's health in all stages of life with particular attention to the mother-infant couple. After graduating and registering with the Professional Order, you can start your work as a midwife in public and / or private health facilities (hospitals / clinics / clinics) or as a freelance. You will be able to work in European Union countries and in all countries where the equivalence of the title is recognized.

Admission requirements

3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

156 EUR

International Students

156 EUR

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

The University of Parma offers more than 40 First Cycle Degree Courses (2 held in english) and 6 Single Cycle Degree Courses (1 held in english-Medicine and Surgery) organized into 10 Departments


Provides a good general background in the field chosen by the student.

Duration: 3 years - 180 ECTS

Can lead to a Second Cycle Degree Course or a First Level Master Programme.


Ensures an advanced level of theoretical knowledge plus an on-field training, which is crucial for certain studies.

Duration: 5 or 6 years - 300 or 360 ECTS

Can lead to a PhD Course, a Specialisation Course or a Second level Master Programme.

Our didactical offer has been enriched in recent years, trying to keep pace with the times and "interpreting" the needs of the world of work: in recent years it has been enforced in particular in the food sector, with the start of new courses and the foundation of the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition, in the automotive sector, among other things with the adhesion to the regional project MUNER - Motorvehicle University Emilia Romagna, and in the computer sciences.


Annual fees don't exceed €2.000 and the payment is divided in two tranches. The total amount of annual taxes is calculated basing on Equivalent Economic Status Index (ISEE), with a no-tax area established for students with an ISEE less than or equal to €23.000. This service and the services including financial assistance, residential accomodations and dining facilities are managed by ER.GO, the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education. ER.GO

The University of Parma offers more than 46 Second Cycle Degree Courses, 14 of which entirely held in English.

The educational offer also includes several I and II level Master programmes, PhD Courses, Postgraduate Schools and Specialisation CoursesParticular emphasis is placed on the international aspect, thanks to the exchange programs (Erasmus + and Overworld/Overseas) and to the possibility of obtaining a double degree with European and non-European partner universities. Overall we offer 19 double degree programmes.

Specialisation Courses
Every year, the University of Parma publishes a rich offer of Specialisation Courses regarding different scientific-disciplinary sectors, including courses for teacher training and preparatory courses to state exams for professional orders. The full list of Specialization Courses is constantly updated at the web page http://www.unipr.it/didattica/post-laurea/corsi-di-perfezionamento


Annual fees don't exceed €2.000 and the payment is divided in two tranches. The total amount of annual taxes is calculated basing on Equivalent Economic Status Index (ISEE), with a no-tax area established for students with an ISEE less than or equal to €23.000. This service and the services including financial assistance, residential accomodations and dining facilities are managed by ER.GO, the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education. ER.GO

Undergrad programs 2283