B.A. in International Relations 48 months Undergraduate Program By Cleveland State University |Top Universities

B.A. in International Relations

Program Duration

48 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

International Relations/Studies/AffairsMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

International Relations/Studies/Affairs



Study Level


MARKETING (MKT) TRACK: ECN 482 - International Trade, MKT 301 - Fundamentals of Marketing, MKT 321 -International Business, MKT 431 - Marketing Research, MKT 461 - Global Mktg Strategy; And one of the following: PSC 394 - Special Topics In Political Science (if on political economy), PSC 406 - International Relations Internship, Any course from another concentration within the major. MANAGEMENT (MGT) TRACK: ECN 482 - International Trade, MGT 301 - Principles of Management, MGT 302 - Principles of Labor and Industrial Relations, MGT 487 - International Management; And two courses from the following: PSC 394 - pecial Topics In Political Science (if on political economy), PSC 406 - International Relations Internship; Any course from another concentration in the major. If both courses are from another concentration, only one can be a 200-level course. 2. GLOBAL STUDIES: Students must demonstrate mastery in a world language of relevance to their concentration comparable to that obtained from two years of college-level instruction. Competence may be demonstrated by examination. ECN 482 - International Trade, PSC 321 - Political Violence, PSC 327 - Politics of Peaceful World Change, PSC 331 - United States Foreign Policy, PSC 334 - Causes of War, PSC 501 - IR Theory, PSC 503 - Political Risk, PSC 511- Non-state Actors, PSC 512 - Global Governance, PSC 406 – International Relations Internship, SOC 320 – Globalization.

Program overview

Main Subject

International Relations/Studies/Affairs



Study Level


MARKETING (MKT) TRACK: ECN 482 - International Trade, MKT 301 - Fundamentals of Marketing, MKT 321 -International Business, MKT 431 - Marketing Research, MKT 461 - Global Mktg Strategy; And one of the following: PSC 394 - Special Topics In Political Science (if on political economy), PSC 406 - International Relations Internship, Any course from another concentration within the major. MANAGEMENT (MGT) TRACK: ECN 482 - International Trade, MGT 301 - Principles of Management, MGT 302 - Principles of Labor and Industrial Relations, MGT 487 - International Management; And two courses from the following: PSC 394 - pecial Topics In Political Science (if on political economy), PSC 406 - International Relations Internship; Any course from another concentration in the major. If both courses are from another concentration, only one can be a 200-level course. 2. GLOBAL STUDIES: Students must demonstrate mastery in a world language of relevance to their concentration comparable to that obtained from two years of college-level instruction. Competence may be demonstrated by examination. ECN 482 - International Trade, PSC 321 - Political Violence, PSC 327 - Politics of Peaceful World Change, PSC 331 - United States Foreign Policy, PSC 334 - Causes of War, PSC 501 - IR Theory, PSC 503 - Political Risk, PSC 511- Non-state Actors, PSC 512 - Global Governance, PSC 406 – International Relations Internship, SOC 320 – Globalization.

Admission requirements


Tuition fee and scholarships

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Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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