Civil Engineering 60 months Undergraduate Program By Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil |Top Universities

Civil Engineering

Program Duration

60 monthsProgram duration



Main Subject Area

Engineering - Civil and StructuralMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Civil and Structural



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The programme articulates with the National Development Plan through its objectives of "Sponsoring equality, cohesion and social and territorial integration in diversity" (objective 1), "Improving the capacities and potential of citizens" (objective 2), "Improve the quality of life of the population" (objective 3) and "Guarantee the rights of nature and promote a healthy and sustainable environment" (objective 4), insofar as the design and construction of the infrastructure for development that the Engineer Civil performs, brings communities together and empowers them to carry out quality productive and social activities, within the framework of respect for the rights of nature.
The Career is aligned with the Mission of the University and contributes to its fulfillment, while its students are trained to act with a high level of competence, through professional practice they generate science and technology and are recognized for their social behavior. responsible and ethical. Likewise, it complies with domain 2 of the University "Generation and Use of energy, infrastructure works and materials for a safe habitat".
The Civil Engineering Career has been and is very pertinent today, since it constitutes an indispensable response to the need to build infrastructure for the development of the country, at a time when the State is implemented -as one of its most important policies- investment in road, port, airport and water use infrastructure, as well as in promoting the construction of housing solutions. The demand for Civil Engineering services is therefore growing, presenting a wide horizon, while the existing gaps in the solution of these needs are still very large.

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Civil and Structural



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The programme articulates with the National Development Plan through its objectives of "Sponsoring equality, cohesion and social and territorial integration in diversity" (objective 1), "Improving the capacities and potential of citizens" (objective 2), "Improve the quality of life of the population" (objective 3) and "Guarantee the rights of nature and promote a healthy and sustainable environment" (objective 4), insofar as the design and construction of the infrastructure for development that the Engineer Civil performs, brings communities together and empowers them to carry out quality productive and social activities, within the framework of respect for the rights of nature.
The Career is aligned with the Mission of the University and contributes to its fulfillment, while its students are trained to act with a high level of competence, through professional practice they generate science and technology and are recognized for their social behavior. responsible and ethical. Likewise, it complies with domain 2 of the University "Generation and Use of energy, infrastructure works and materials for a safe habitat".
The Civil Engineering Career has been and is very pertinent today, since it constitutes an indispensable response to the need to build infrastructure for the development of the country, at a time when the State is implemented -as one of its most important policies- investment in road, port, airport and water use infrastructure, as well as in promoting the construction of housing solutions. The demand for Civil Engineering services is therefore growing, presenting a wide horizon, while the existing gaps in the solution of these needs are still very large.

Admission requirements


To enter the Civil Engineering Career at UCSG, the student must complete an Admission process in which they can choose between:




For all UCSG careers you have to:

  • It is a single exam structured in sections, with different weights compared to the calculation of the final average.
  • The entrance exam will be prepared from a reagent base and according to the specificities of the disciplinary fields in which the careers are registered.
  • The entrance exam will be passed with a minimum grade of 7.00 / 10 (without rounding).  The exam is passed in its entirety and not by sections.
  • Applicants can take this exam only once per semester.
  • This modality does not have an extension.
  • The syllabi and type exams can be downloaded from the UCSG website
  • The approved Exam is valid for one academic year.

For the Civil Engineering career the sections of the exam are: Mathematics, Physics and Introduction to Calculus as well as Language and Computer Science.


This course is for preparatory purposes for applicants to take an entrance exam.  The duration of the course is 6 weeks including classes, exams and supplementary;  It consists of specific subjects of the Career and Humanistic Training

  • Three specific subjects of the career discipline guide the disciplines of the career:
    • Math,
    • Introduction to Calculus and
    • Physical
  • General and Humanistic Training Subjects:
    • Language and communication
    • Introduction to Integral Humanism
  • Instrumental:
    • Informatic introduction
  • Each Subject will have a weighting defined by the Degree.
  • Supplemental Exam or Enhancement:
  • Minimum attendance of 80% in each subject.
  • Applicants can only apply once per semester to this course.
  • The approved course is valid for one academic year

With the entrance exam or with the entrance course, the aim is to evaluate the entrance profile that the career requires for applicants to begin their degree studies in Civil Engineering.

5 Years
  • Candidates are required to submit references or letter(s) of recommendation for acceptance
  • Candidates are required to submit an essay(s) for acceptance

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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