Mining Engineering Undergraduate Program By Université Abderrahmane Mira – Béjaia |Top Universities

Mining Engineering



Main Subject Area

Engineering - Mineral and MiningMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Mineral and Mining



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

Algeria is very rich in mineral raw materials, a large part of which remains to be discovered. The mining industry has played and still plays an important role in the country's economy. The exploitation of deposits of mineral raw materials is the basis of future economic development in our country. Algeria has many metalliferous deposits such as clays, hematites, lead -Zinc, gold, etc... The territory also harbors precious mineral occurrences such as gold and diamonds, some polymetallic indices (Zn, Pb, Ca, Ag, As, Ni, etc.), rare earths, platinoids and uranium. The deposits in operation are phosphates, limestones, crystalline dolomites and various building materials. The mining sector therefore represents an important part of the country's economic development. With the reform of this sector, the expected economic, social and financial benefits will be significant in terms of contribution to the national economy, creation of direct and indirect jobs and sustained local development”. The exploitation of mineral resources contributes a significant part to the Algerian economy. The extractive industries alone have contributed to the growth of the mining sector. Consequently, This academic training (Mining) constitutes a basic training for the mining engineering sector. Its objective is to provide fundamental knowledge on mining operations and techniques on one hand and on the optimization of mining costs on the other. Hence, this training targets large companies operating in the mining sector, such as FERPHOS (iron and phosphates), ENOF (non-ferrous), ENG (aggregates), Steel and Cement, Glass and Ceramics, etc.  At the regional scale, there is also a strong potential for outlets at PME-PMI companies having activities of design offices, consulting firms, material recovery, environmental protection. This training offer aims to: Contribute to the training of new generations of specialists in the fields of mineral resources, exploration, and exploitation, the study of natural risks and/or pollution risks. Help learners to become familiar with the use of various methods, techniques and tools applied to prospecting and mining. Train high-level graduates in mineral resources, mining and mining geology with skills in instrumental methods of analysis and control. Help learners to be familiar with equipment and management of underground (metro), aerial (cable cars, conveyors) infrastructures, and participation in the construction of hydraulic structures.

Program overview

Main Subject

Engineering - Mineral and Mining



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

Algeria is very rich in mineral raw materials, a large part of which remains to be discovered. The mining industry has played and still plays an important role in the country's economy. The exploitation of deposits of mineral raw materials is the basis of future economic development in our country. Algeria has many metalliferous deposits such as clays, hematites, lead -Zinc, gold, etc... The territory also harbors precious mineral occurrences such as gold and diamonds, some polymetallic indices (Zn, Pb, Ca, Ag, As, Ni, etc.), rare earths, platinoids and uranium. The deposits in operation are phosphates, limestones, crystalline dolomites and various building materials. The mining sector therefore represents an important part of the country's economic development. With the reform of this sector, the expected economic, social and financial benefits will be significant in terms of contribution to the national economy, creation of direct and indirect jobs and sustained local development”. The exploitation of mineral resources contributes a significant part to the Algerian economy. The extractive industries alone have contributed to the growth of the mining sector. Consequently, This academic training (Mining) constitutes a basic training for the mining engineering sector. Its objective is to provide fundamental knowledge on mining operations and techniques on one hand and on the optimization of mining costs on the other. Hence, this training targets large companies operating in the mining sector, such as FERPHOS (iron and phosphates), ENOF (non-ferrous), ENG (aggregates), Steel and Cement, Glass and Ceramics, etc.  At the regional scale, there is also a strong potential for outlets at PME-PMI companies having activities of design offices, consulting firms, material recovery, environmental protection. This training offer aims to: Contribute to the training of new generations of specialists in the fields of mineral resources, exploration, and exploitation, the study of natural risks and/or pollution risks. Help learners to become familiar with the use of various methods, techniques and tools applied to prospecting and mining. Train high-level graduates in mineral resources, mining and mining geology with skills in instrumental methods of analysis and control. Help learners to be familiar with equipment and management of underground (metro), aerial (cable cars, conveyors) infrastructures, and participation in the construction of hydraulic structures.

Tuition fee and scholarships

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