Environmental Sciences 36 months PHD Program By University of Milan |Top Universities
Subject Ranking

# 251-300QS Subject Rankings

Program Duration

36 monthsProgram duration

Main Subject Area

Environmental SciencesMain Subject Area

Program overview

Main Subject

Environmental Sciences



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The doctoral programme provides preparation and training in research in the various fields typical of Environmental Sciences, promoting interdisciplinary interaction of students with Italian and foreign research groups and with institutions that study and manage the environment, land and human health. The primary objectives of the programme include providing adequate knowledge of the multiple methodological, instrumental, analytical, statistical and model-based approaches to study of the environment; the skill to perform interdisciplinary integration and synthesis of know-how resulting from the study of the various components of environmental systems and their complex interactions; qualification and scientific productivity as preparatory elements for a career in research institutes or other professional frameworks.
The doctoral programme is highly interdisciplinary, centred on ensuring high standards of learning in the integrated study of complex environmental systems regarding: biodiversity expressed at all levels of organization of biodiversity, from the genetic to the molecular levels, to the organization of organisms, populations and communities; relations at all organizational levels between biological factors, and between the latter and the abiotic environment; diachronic and other interactions between humans and the environment in terms of effects of human activities and disturbance on natural environments and of the quality of living and working environments on toxicological risk and health hazards.
The programme particularly focuses on general themes, namely:

  • analysis of natural and disturbed environments;
  • study of environmental pollution and its ecotoxicological consequences, in vivo and in vitro (damage to the DNA and to proteins, cell damage, reproductive anomalies, developmental changes, teratogenesis and other biomarkers in animal and human models), and genetic, epigenetic and molecular mechanisms that control the cell cycle and metabolism, or that form the molecular basis for resistance to parasites (in plant models);
  • study of plant and animal models of genetic and environmental adaptation and determinism of phenotypic variability in morphological, physiological and behavioural characters;
  • expression of phenotypic plasticity and evolution of populations, in response to variable environmental conditions due to natural and human effects, consequences of climate change, fragmentation and alteration of habitats and direct human interference; study of symbiotic relations with particular reference to pathogenic mechanisms in antagonist symbiotic systems, evolutionary and phylogenetic aspects of symbiotic relations and application of symbionts for biocontrol;
  • analysis of consequences of climatic factors, alterations in the structure of past and present natural habitats and transformations in zootechnical, agricultural and forestry practices on demography and population distribution, community composition and conservation of endangered species, and development of remediation methods for degraded environments and biocontrol of antieconomic species;
  • study of land surface modelling processes and evolution with regard to the structural and lithological component, climate control, human component and present and past biotic communities;
  • conservation of cultural and paleontological heritage and landscape;
  • variations in geomorphological systems and subsequent changes in environmental hazard and risk scenarios;
  • study of soil, surface deposits and landscape as evidence of interactions between humans and the environment;
  • environmental indicators of climate change and palaeobiology of fossil populations;
  • research on teaching methods used in secondary schools for subjects related to the programme.

Program overview

Main Subject

Environmental Sciences



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The doctoral programme provides preparation and training in research in the various fields typical of Environmental Sciences, promoting interdisciplinary interaction of students with Italian and foreign research groups and with institutions that study and manage the environment, land and human health. The primary objectives of the programme include providing adequate knowledge of the multiple methodological, instrumental, analytical, statistical and model-based approaches to study of the environment; the skill to perform interdisciplinary integration and synthesis of know-how resulting from the study of the various components of environmental systems and their complex interactions; qualification and scientific productivity as preparatory elements for a career in research institutes or other professional frameworks.
The doctoral programme is highly interdisciplinary, centred on ensuring high standards of learning in the integrated study of complex environmental systems regarding: biodiversity expressed at all levels of organization of biodiversity, from the genetic to the molecular levels, to the organization of organisms, populations and communities; relations at all organizational levels between biological factors, and between the latter and the abiotic environment; diachronic and other interactions between humans and the environment in terms of effects of human activities and disturbance on natural environments and of the quality of living and working environments on toxicological risk and health hazards.
The programme particularly focuses on general themes, namely:

  • analysis of natural and disturbed environments;
  • study of environmental pollution and its ecotoxicological consequences, in vivo and in vitro (damage to the DNA and to proteins, cell damage, reproductive anomalies, developmental changes, teratogenesis and other biomarkers in animal and human models), and genetic, epigenetic and molecular mechanisms that control the cell cycle and metabolism, or that form the molecular basis for resistance to parasites (in plant models);
  • study of plant and animal models of genetic and environmental adaptation and determinism of phenotypic variability in morphological, physiological and behavioural characters;
  • expression of phenotypic plasticity and evolution of populations, in response to variable environmental conditions due to natural and human effects, consequences of climate change, fragmentation and alteration of habitats and direct human interference; study of symbiotic relations with particular reference to pathogenic mechanisms in antagonist symbiotic systems, evolutionary and phylogenetic aspects of symbiotic relations and application of symbionts for biocontrol;
  • analysis of consequences of climatic factors, alterations in the structure of past and present natural habitats and transformations in zootechnical, agricultural and forestry practices on demography and population distribution, community composition and conservation of endangered species, and development of remediation methods for degraded environments and biocontrol of antieconomic species;
  • study of land surface modelling processes and evolution with regard to the structural and lithological component, climate control, human component and present and past biotic communities;
  • conservation of cultural and paleontological heritage and landscape;
  • variations in geomorphological systems and subsequent changes in environmental hazard and risk scenarios;
  • study of soil, surface deposits and landscape as evidence of interactions between humans and the environment;
  • environmental indicators of climate change and palaeobiology of fossil populations;
  • research on teaching methods used in secondary schools for subjects related to the programme.

Admission requirements

3 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them.

In this guide you will find:

Where to look for scholarship opportunities


How to apply to scholarships relevant to you


A list of available scholarships around the world


A scholarship application checklist

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More programs from the university

The University of Milan offers 78 bachelor’s degree programs in the following: 

Economics, Law and Social Sciences

  • Political, Economic and Social Sciences
  • Law 


  • Humanities
  • Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication 

Medicine and Healthcare

  • Medicine 
  • Veterinary Medicine 
  • Pharmacy 
  • Exercise and Sports Sciences


  • Science and Technology 
  • Agricultural and Food Sciences 

Tuition fees

The University of Milan is a public institution. Therefore, the university offers lower tuition fees in proportion to income, with fees being curbed in order to guarantee, to the greatest possible extent, the right for every student to have the opportunity to study. 

For international students, enrolment fees vary according to the student’s citizenship and can vary between €156 to maximum of €1,156 each academic year.

The University of Milan also offers scholarships and other special funding, such as refectory and accommodation services. Enrolled students can apply for a scholarship, depending on whether they’re based on merit, income or both.

The Excellence Scholarships program is particularly aimed at international students. The program offers 100 incentive grants to the newly enrolled best international students at master’s level. The incentives include 50 scholarships of €6,000 plus enrollment fee exemption. 

To find out more about special funding and scholarships, visit the university’s website

Entry requirements

Almost all bachelor's and single cycle degree programs require candidates sit an admission test to ensure they are eligible for their chosen course of study. Each year, between February and July, the University of Milan publishes its calls to apply for admission to bachelor’s degree programs. These calls for application report the procedure for enrolment (matriculation) on the first year of studies, as well as:

  • Admission requirements,
  • Dates, programs, procedures and locations for evaluation tests and entrance examinations,
  • Number of places available for programs with limited enrolment,
  • Instructions for candidates with disabilities or SLD,
  • Information on rankings,
  • Enrolment procedures.

Further information can be found on the university’s website

How to apply

If you’re an international student who’s interested in applying to the University of Milan, you’ll need to complete an online application form which can be found on the university’s website. This is where you’ll also be able to find further details about how to apply as well as specific information regarding entry requirements.   

Animal Production

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Dental Hygiene

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Dental Medicine

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Health Assistance

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Pediatric Nursing

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The University of Milan offers 74 master’s programs, 32 doctoral programs, as well as 26 vocational master’s courses and 65 postgraduate schools of professional specialization.

Tuition fees

The University of Milan is a public institution. Therefore, the university offers low, income-curbed tuition fees  in order to guarantee, to the greatest possible extent, the right for every student to have the opportunity to study. 

For international students, enrolment fees vary according to the student’s citizenship and the chosen course of study. 

The University of Milan also offers scholarships and other special funding, such as refectory and accommodation services. Enrolled students can apply for a scholarship, depending on whether they’re based on merit, income or both.

The Excellence Scholarships program is particularly aimed at international students. The program offers 100 incentive grants to the newly enrolled best international students at master’s level. The incentives include 50 scholarships of €6,000 plus enrollment fee exemption. 

To find out more about special funding and scholarships, visit the university’s website

Entry requirements

Those who hold, or are about to complete a bachelor's degree (or equivalent title) by the end of December or by the deadline indicated in the Program Structure for the selected master's degree program may apply to enroll on a postgraduate degree program. 

Graduates who wish to apply for a doctoral program or a medical specialization school must follow the instructions in the competitive examination announcements.

For specific entry requirements you should also consult the master’s degree program that you’re interested in applying to. 

European citizens, non-EU citizens who reside in Italy with a current, valid “permesso di soggiorno” (residence permit) and natives of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Lichtenstein can apply. Non-EU citizens who are residents abroad must submit a pre-application request to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their country of residence.

Some master degree programs have open admissions (on the basis of a case-by-case evaluation of the student candidature). Other programs will require candidates to sit an admission tests in order to ensure they are eligible for their chosen course of study. 

You must submit your admission application directly to the university.

Each year, between February and July, the University of Milan publishes its calls to apply for admission to master degree programs. These calls for application report the procedure for enrolment (matriculation) on the first year of studies, as well as:

  • Admission requirements,
  • Dates, programs, procedures and locations for evaluation tests and entrance examinations,
  • Number of places available for programs with limited enrolment,
  • Instructions for candidates with disabilities or SLD,
  • Information on rankings,
  • Enrolment procedures.

Further information can be found on the university’s website

How to apply

If you’re an international student who’s interested in applying to the University of Milan, you’ll need to complete an online application form which can be found on the university’s website. This is where you’ll also be able to find further details about how to apply as well as specific information regarding entry requirements.  

Plant Science

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PHD programs 1873